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Barchangizga kirib kelgan Muqaddas Ramazon oyi muborak boʻlsin!

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Maslahatlariz uchun ham rahmat

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Exam topshirgandim result chiqdi sal pastroq

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Assalomu alaykum yaxshimisiz ustoz

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Koʻp vaqt kerak emas, kamroq chalgʻish kerak....

✨ Idiom of the Day: A Likely Story ✨ 🌟🌿🌟

A sarcastic or skeptical way of saying that you don’t believe what someone is saying; something that sounds untrue or exaggerated. 🤔🌀🤔

Uzbek Translation:
Ishonarsiz, yolg'on yoki mubolag'a tuyuladigan gap yoki voqea. 🌸📜🌸


1. 🎉 "He said he forgot my birthday because his phone was broken — a likely story!"

U tug'ilgan kunimni unutganini aytdi, chunki telefoni buzilgan ekan — ishonarsiz gap!

2. ⏰ "They claim they didn’t hear the alarm this morning. A likely story."

Ular bugun ertalab budilnikni eshitmaganlarini da'vo qilishdi. Ishonarsiz gap!

3. 🎬 "She told me she met a movie star at the supermarket. A likely story!"

U supermarketda kino yulduzi bilan uchrashganini aytdi. Ishonarsiz gap!

When to Use:

🤷‍♀️ Responding to an excuse or explanation that seems doubtful.

😏 Expressing skepticism in a playful or sarcastic tone. 🌻🔮🌻


🤔 Hard to believe
🐟 Sounds fishy
🤥 Pulling my leg



👉 Meaning: to end a relationship or agreement; to separate a part from a whole
📖 Uzbek tarjimasi: Tugatmoq; ajralib chiqmoq

✅ Explanations and Examples:

1️⃣ Break off (end a relationship or agreement)
🔍 Definition: To stop or end something suddenly.
🇺🇸 They decided to break off their engagement.
🇺🇿 Ular unashtiruvlarini to‘xtatishga qaror qilishdi.

2️⃣ Break off (separate a part)
🔍 Definition: To remove a piece from a larger whole.
🇺🇸 I broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to her.
🇺🇿 Men shokoladdan bir bo‘lakni sindirib, unga berdim.



✨ Idiom of the Day: A Breath of Fresh Air

Something new, different, and refreshing that makes a positive change or brings new energy to a situation.

Uzbek Translation:
Yangicha, yoqimli o'zgarish; zerikarlilik yoki odatiylikdan chiqib, tetiklik olib keladigan narsa.


1. "After working in a stressful office for years, the peaceful countryside was a breath of fresh air."

2. "Her innovative ideas were a breath of fresh air for the company."

3. "The new teacher is a breath of fresh air — students actually enjoy learning now!"

When to Use:
Talking about a new experience, person, or environment that brings positivity.

Describing someone or something that breaks the monotony and adds excitement or relief.


A welcome change
A pleasant surprise
Something refreshing



👉 Meaning: to enter a building illegally; to start doing something suddenly
📖 Uzbek tarjimasi: Zo‘rlik bilan kirib kelmoq; to‘satdan boshlamoq

✅ Explanations and Examples:

1️⃣ Break into (enter illegally)
🔍 Definition: To enter a place, usually to steal something.
🇺🇸 Someone tried to break into our house last night.
🇺🇿 Kecha kimdir uyimizga buzib kirishga urindi.

2️⃣ Break into (start suddenly)
🔍 Definition: To start doing something suddenly, especially singing, laughing, or running.
🇺🇸 She broke into tears after hearing the good news.
🇺🇿 Yaxshi xabarni eshitgach, u birdan yig‘lab yubordi.


✨ Word of the Day: THEREOF

🔹 Meaning:
Thereof means "of that" or "of the thing just mentioned." It’s formal and often used in legal, academic, or technical contexts.

🔥 How to use THEREOF:

👉 1. Referring to something previously mentioned:

The company’s success depends on the quality of its products and the marketing thereof.
(Kompaniyaning muvaffaqiyati mahsulotlar sifati va ularning marketingiga bog‘liq.)

👉 2. In legal or formal writing:

The contract and the terms thereof must be followed.
(Shartnoma va uning shartlariga rioya qilinishi kerak

🌿 Difference between THEREOF and OF THAT:

Thereof is more formal and concise.

Of that is used in everyday speech.

✅ Formal: The results of the experiment and the analysis thereof were published.
✅ Informal: The results of the experiment and the analysis of that were published.

✨ Quick tip:
Using “thereof” in writing can make your language sound more advanced and precise—perfect for IELTS or academic English!

👉 Practice: Try writing a sentence with “thereof” and share it in the comments! Let’s learn together!


Forward from: BM | IELTS 9.0
Tesla or BYD?

In addition to being a must-read for car enthusiasts, the following article offers a great deal of model language for Task 1 Writing.

Forward from: 🇺🇿 KeLaJaK MuHaNDiSLaRi 🆔 🇺🇿💯
O’zini aldayotgan kelajak

• 10 oy qolganda boshlaydi. Vaqtga mos qiyinchilik berganda fanni qiyinligidan noliydi.

6 yillik fanni 10 oyda o’rganish uchun o’tgan 6 yildek yashamasliging aniq ediku.

• Pul to’ladim. Endi olish-olmaslik, borish-bormaslik, vazifani qilish-qilmaslik o’zini xohishi deb o’ylaydi.

Sen ustozni vaqtiga pul to’lading. Ilmga esa puling yetmaydi. Asabiyu, salomatligiga ham.

• Ilmsizlikdan chiqishni xohlaydi. Ilm olishga keladi va shunday muhit. Ilmlilar orasidan chiqadi, yana o’sha ilmsizlar davrasi.

Bittasini tanla, ilmlilar muhiti yoki ilmsizlar. O’zingni ikkiga bo’la olmaysan. Bo’ldingmi, sen ham ilmsizlardansan.

• Uzoqda miltillab turgan yorug’likka qarab suzishadi. Oxiri g’arq bo’lishadi. U illuziya edi. Yorug’likni qattiq istaganganlar uchun, yulduz ham chiroqdek ko’rinadi.

Soddaroq tushuntirsam. Kim nima maslahat bersa qilib ketaverishadi. Filtrni osoniga to’g’irlashadi. Natijaviyligiga qarab emas.

Oson yo’llarini izlab, energiyaga to’la yoshliklarini qurbon qilishadi. Natijada kelajak riskda.

Katta natija va qiyinchilik doim yonma-yon yuradi. Boshqacha yo’li yo’q. Yo’li bor deydiganlarni o’ljasi bo’lma.

Bu so'zlarni adashtirib yubormang. Economic “iqtisodiy”, economical esa “tejamkor” ma'nolarini aglatadi:
Unemployment causes a lot of economic problems. (NOT ... economical problems.)
They want people to buy more economical cars. (NOT ... economic cars.)

G7 IELTS va G7 CEFR guruhlari qoʻshimcha darsda.



1. /trʌmp/
2. C1
3. To outperform, surpass, or have greater importance than something else; to beat or outdo someone/something decisively.
4. = outdo, outrank, supersede, surpass, prevail over
5. Idea: To trump is to pull out that ace from your sleeve when everyone thinks you've already lost the game.
6. Usage hints and common mistakes:
a) Originally from card games, where a trump card beats all others. The noun form refers to the winning card in a game ("I played a trump"). But "trump" as a verb is about beating, not just cards.
b) Commonly used with abstract concepts rather than physical actions. We wouldn't typically say "The runner trumped his opponent" - we'd use words like "beat," "outran," or "outperformed" instead. But we can say "Safety concerns trumped cost considerations in designing the new bridge."
c) Preposition note: "trump over" is incorrect - just use "trump"
(❌ Incorrect: "Safety trumps over profit in our company."
✅ Correct: "Safety trumps profit in our company.")
d) "Trumped by" can be used to show how the trumping was done: "The movie plans were trumped by bad weather."
e) Common collocations: trump concerns, trump considerations, trump everything
f) Close to "triumph". Trump is about superiority/precedence, triumph is about victory/success.
g) Can sound aggressive if used about people - better for comparing ideas/concepts.
h) You can say "my offer trumps his" (meaning it is better).
7. Examples:
Common sense can trump theoretical knowledge.
Chinese DeepSeek trumps ChatGPT.

Doʻstmamatov Ramziddin

CEFR level : B2 (55)

Tutor: Behzod Mirzayev


Bizning natijalar

Haqiqiy markaz mana shunday natijani RAQAMlarda koʻrsatadi. Quruq gapda emas

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🏔Everest o'quv markazining 2024-yil uchun HISOBOT DAYJESTI

Everest uchun 2024-yil esda qolarli darajada muvaffaqiyat onlarini taqdim etdi!
O'quvchilarimiz yutuqlari, ustozlarimizning shaxsiy rivojlanishidagi yuqorilash - bizni katta jamoa sifatida yangi marralarni egallashimizga sabab bo'ldi!

2024-yilda o'quvchilarimiz qayd etgan IELTS 7+ natijalar:
759 ta - Overall 7.0
313 ta - Overall 7.5
108 ta - Overall 8.0
32 ta - Overall 8.5
4 ta - Overall 9.0
88 ta - CEFR C1 natijalari
Umumiy: 1304 ta IELTS 7+🔥

• Undan tashqari, 2024-yilda Everest yana 5 ta manzilga ko'paydi.

• Ta'lim sohasi bo'yicha 5-marotaba ketma-ket "YIL BRENDI" deya e'tirof etildi!….

Yaxshisi, to’liq videoni tomosha qilib batafsil ma’lumot olishingiz mumkin😊

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