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Lekin tripda bo’lishga qaramasdan, Wrting Marathon ustida ishlanmoqda.

Hozir bu yerda kechki soat 11:52 shunga aybga buyurmaysizlar.

3k 0 4 23 71

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Bir joyda eshitgandim: har bir davlatga qilgan sayohatimiz nechtadir kitob o’qiganga teng bo’ladi deb.

Bugun nafaqat sayohatga otlandim, balki yo’lda audio kitob ham eshitib keldim.

Aytinglarchi, bu qayerni aeroporti?

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Finally, that day has arrived…

I remember this being a topic in an IELTS Task 2 question like 20 years ago.

10.3k 1 72 49 207

Bugun BM TALKS loyihasining mehmoni ajoyib shogirdimiz, IELTS Speaking experti Khusan Abdumuminov bo’ldi.

Khusanboy bilan biz bir qo’l shaxmat tashab (lekin suhbat qizib ketganidan o’yin ohiriga yetmadi) turli xil mavzularda miriqib gaplashdik.

Podcast so’ngida Mock Speaking ham ovordik.

Podcast keyingi hafta YouTubedagi sahifamizga joylanadi. Ungacha hozirgina joylangan Writing 8.5 olishimga yordam bergan 5 ta kitob nomli yangi videoni tomosha qilib turishlaringni maslahat beraman.

Agar juda Writing haqida video ko’rish zerikarli bo’lsa, unda UzChess o’tgazgan Media Ligasi doirasidagi shaxmat bo’yicha O’zbekiston chempioniga qarshi o’yinimni tomosha qilib kelishlaring mumkin.

12.7k 0 25 91 142

As we get older, we start to think more about adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Harvard professor Daniel Lieberman discusses exercise, sleep and sugar.

13.8k 0 58 14 131

πŸŒ‰ #WordOfTheDay: Bridge

πŸ—£ Pronunciation:

πŸ“ Part of Speech:
Noun (also used as a verb)

πŸ“– Definition:
1. (Noun) A structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a river, road, or valley, to provide passage over it.
2. (Noun) Something that connects or links different things or people.
3. (Verb) To make a connection between two or more things.

πŸ’‘ Example Sentences:
- Noun: "The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world."
- Noun: "Education can serve as a bridge between different cultures."
- Verb: "The new policies aim to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor."

πŸ”— Related Words:
- Bridging (verb): The act of making a connection or overcoming a gap.
- Bridgework (noun): Dental work involving a bridge to replace missing teeth.
- Bridged (adjective): Describes something that has been connected or linked.

❗ Common Mistake:
- *Bridge* can be confused with *bridging* when used as a verb. *Bridge* as a verb means to connect, while *bridging* often refers to the ongoing process of making that connection.

πŸ” Usage Tips:
- "Bridge the gap" is a common phrase used metaphorically to describe the act of connecting two different things, ideas, or groups.
- In music, a bridge is a section of a song that provides a contrast to the rest of the composition.

πŸ’¬ Common Expressions/Collocations:
- Bridge the gap
- Burn one's bridges (to make a decision that cannot be reversed)
- Build bridges (to improve relationships between people or groups)
- Cross that bridge when you come to it (to deal with a problem when it arises)

πŸ€” Did You Know?
The word "bridge" has Old English origins, coming from the word *brycg*. Throughout history, bridges have been essential for transportation and communication, symbolizing connection and progress in various cultures.

16k 0 29 41 97

I know we sometimes get Task 2 questions related to taxes. Here’s a simple explanation intended for kids, which might be useful for some of you.

16k 0 192 16 136

🀡 #WordOfTheDay: Tuxedo

πŸ—£ Pronunciation:

πŸ“ Part of Speech:

πŸ“– Definition:
1. A formal evening suit, typically black, with a satin or grosgrain facing on the lapels and a stripe down the side of the trousers, worn on special occasions.

πŸ’‘ Example Sentences:
- "He looked dashing in his classic black tuxedo at the gala."
- "The invitation specified a black-tie dress code, so he rented a tuxedo for the event."

πŸ”— Related Words:
- Suit (noun): A set of clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers.
- Black-tie (noun/adjective): A semi-formal or formal dress code, usually requiring a tuxedo or dinner jacket for men.

❗ Common Mistake:
- *Tuxedo* is sometimes mistakenly used to describe any suit, but it specifically refers to a formal suit worn for evening events, often with satin details.

πŸ” Usage Tips:
- A tuxedo is typically worn to black-tie events such as weddings, galas, and formal dinners.
- Unlike a regular suit, a tuxedo often includes special features like satin lapels, a bow tie, and sometimes a cummerbund.

πŸ’¬ Common Expressions/Collocations:
- Tuxedo jacket
- Tuxedo shirt
- Tuxedo rental
- Bow tie and tuxedo
- Classic tuxedo

πŸ€” Did You Know?
The word "tuxedo" originated in the United States and is believed to be named after Tuxedo Park, a wealthy residential club community in New York, where the style first became popular in the late 19th century.

17k 0 33 14 57


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώ Happy Independence Day, everyone!

33 years of independence! What does this mean to you?

Can you reflect on how this independence has personally touched you?

13.5k 0 11 22 189

πŸŒ… #WordOfTheDay: Beginning

πŸ—£ Pronunciation:

πŸ“ Part of Speech:

πŸ“– Definition:
1. The point in time or space at which something starts.
2. The first part or earliest stage of something.

πŸ’‘ Example Sentences:
- "Every journey has a beginning, and today marks the start of ours."
- "She was nervous at the beginning of the presentation, but she soon found her confidence."

πŸ”— Related Words:
- Begin (verb): To start; to do the first part of something.
- Beginning (adjective): Describing something related to the start or first stage.
- Beginner (noun): A person who is starting to learn something and has little experience.

πŸ€” Did You Know?
The word "beginning" comes from the Old English word *beginnan*, which means "to start or commence." It's often used to describe the initial phase of any process, whether it's a new project, a day, or a phase in life.

#Reading #DailyDose #Mindblowing

Here is an interesting read.

Do you think we might all be actually living in a simulation created by advanced civilizations. One of the big believers of this hypothesis is Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla. He claims there is only a one in a billion chance we are in base reality.

15k 0 45 7 46

πŸ”— #WordOfTheDay: Causal

πŸ—£ Pronunciation:

πŸ“ Part of Speech:

πŸ“– Definition:
1. Relating to or acting as a cause; implying a cause-and-effect relationship.

πŸ’‘ Example Sentences:
- "There is a causal link between smoking and lung cancer."
- "The scientist explored the causal factors that led to the sudden climate change."

πŸ”— Related Words:
- Cause (noun): A person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.
- Causality (noun): The relationship between cause and effect.
- Causation (noun): The action of causing something; the relationship between cause and effect.

πŸ€” Did You Know?
"Causal" comes from the Latin word *causalis*, which means "of or pertaining to a cause." It's often used in scientific and logical contexts to describe the relationship between two events where one directly affects the other.

I’ve just enabled the β€œstar” 🌟 reaction. Give it a try!

πŸ” #WordOfTheDay: Clarity

πŸ—£ Pronunciation:

πŸ“ Part of Speech:

πŸ“– Definition:

1. The quality of being clear, easy to see, hear, or understand.
2. The state of being coherent and intelligible.

πŸ’‘ Example Sentences:
- "The teacher's clarity in explaining the complex concept made it easier for students to grasp."
- "After the storm passed, the clarity of the sky was breathtaking."

πŸ”— Related Words:
- Clear (adjective): Easy to see or understand.
- Clarify (verb): To make something clear or easier to understand.
- Clearly (adverb): In a clear manner.

πŸ€” Did You Know?
The word "clarity" comes from the Latin word *claritas*, meaning "brightness" or "clearness." It’s not just about seeing clearlyβ€”it’s also about thinking and communicating clearly!

18.9k 0 41 17 101

As most of you have already heard, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France. The article below raises an interesting question: should social media platforms be held responsible for the actions of their users?

And most importantly, if telegram shuts down, which is not likely to happen, how do we stay in touch?

Finally subscribed to CR7’s new YouTube channel.

How about you guys?

This interview with Rio Ferdinand looks like an interesting watch.

Forward from: Writing Marathon 2024
Aug 28 CDI Exam-2.pdf

Reported by Adxambek, who just came out of his CDI exam with BC.

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Task 1 & Task 2 assessed by an active writing examiner.

These models are exclusively available to participants in my current Writing Marathon or those who join the 729 program.

I know I am not expecting any test results, but I still get the chills every time I get a text message from Edu Action πŸ˜ƒ

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