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Forward from: IELTS ZONE | Fergana
Bekzod Mirahmedov IELTS ZONE Fergana da! ๐Ÿคฉ

Ertaga 11:00 da barchangizni kutamiz!๐Ÿ”ฅ

Joylashuv: IELTS ZONE

4.9k 0 10 33 134

February 1.pdf
#DailyStoic #FebruaryChallenge
February 1 - For the hot-headed man

5.4k 1 51 12 48

This excerpt is from Ryan Holidayโ€™s book, Daily Stoic. Itโ€™s not something I wrote myself.

As Iโ€™ve already mentioned in the video I sent yesterday, Iโ€™ve been planning to share daily excerpts from the book throughout February.

Do let me know what yโ€™all think and whether it is worth the effort.

6.9k 0 0 29 108

Why do athletes talk trash to each other? Why do they deliberately say offensive and nasty things to their competitors when the refs arenโ€™t looking? To provoke a reaction. Distracting and angering opponents is an easy way to knock them off their game.

Try to remember that when you find yourself getting mad. Anger is not impressive or toughโ€”itโ€™s a mistake. Itโ€™s weakness. Depending on what youโ€™re doing, it might even be a trap that someone laid for you.

Fans and opponents called boxer Joe Louis the โ€œRing Robotโ€ because he was utterly unemotionalโ€”his cold, calm demeanor was far more terrifying than any crazed look or emotional outburst would have been.

Strength is the ability to maintain a hold of oneself. Itโ€™s being the person who never gets mad, who cannot be rattled, because they are in control of their passionsโ€”rather than controlled by their passions.

8.2k 1 35 18 151

Feb 1: For the hot-headed man

Keep this thought handy when you feel a fit of rage coming onโ€” it isnโ€™t manly to be enraged. Rather, gentleness and civility are more human, and therefore manlier. A real man doesnโ€™t give way to anger and discontent, and such a person has strength, courage, and enduranceโ€”unlike the angry and complaining. The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.



#FebruaryChallenge starts today!

February - Passions and Emotions

By the way, Iโ€™ve already finished GRIT, and my next book for Februaryโ€”separate from this channelโ€™s February challengeโ€”is 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.

The summary of GRIT is on its way...

9k 0 25 28 156

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February Challenge

#DailyStoic #book by Ryan Holiday

#februarychallenge 2025

9.5k 0 18 34 175

02.02.2025 ertalabki soat 11:00 da barcha Fargโ€™onaliklarni kutib qolamiz!

10.2k 0 22 49 233

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12k 2 22 9 182


menacing - threatening, seeming likely to cause you harm or danger.

Ex: He looked up at the circle of menacing faces surrounding him.

14k 0 57 132 204

Yuqoridagi postga izoh:

Bu xabarni aslo xayp uchun yozganim yoโ€˜q. Shunchaki, Khusanovni koโ€˜rib, oโ€˜zimning yoshligim yodimga tushib ketdi.

Aynan 17 yoshimda men ham Amerikaga borib qolgan edim. FLEX dasturi orqali imtihonlardan muvaffaqiyatli oโ€˜tgan boโ€˜lsam-da, til barrieri meni juda qiynagan. Taxminan 3-4 oy vaqt kerak boโ€˜lgan, lekin bu davr mobaynida tilni yaxshi tushunmaganim sababli turli xijolatli holatlarga tushganman: sinfdoshlarimning hazillarini tushunolmaslik, tushunganlikka olib, oโ€˜zimni noqulay his qilishlarimโ€ฆ

Ammo, Khusanovning holati mendan oโ€˜n barobar qiyin. Men oddiy oโ€˜quvchi boโ€˜lib shuncha qiynalgan boโ€˜lsam, Khusanov jahon yulduzi sifatida barcha nigohlarni oโ€˜ziga qaratgan holda turibdi. Undagi bosimni biz hatto tushimizda ham his qilmagan boโ€˜lsak kerak. Eng achinarlisi, u ingliz tilida hatto boshlangโ€˜ich bazaga ham ega emas (menda esa, kamida B1 daraja bor edi).

Shu narsalarni oโ€˜ylab, yuqoridagi postni yozdim. Balki hozirda uning yonida ingliz tili oโ€˜qituvchilari allaqachon ishlayotgandir, lekin agar mening taklifim qabul qilinsa, bu masโ€™uliyatni toโ€˜liq oโ€˜z boโ€˜ynimga olishga tayyorman.

25k 2 70 200 1.3k

Abduqodir Khusanovga shaxsan oโ€˜zim Ingliz tilidan bepul online dars oโ€˜tishga tayyorman!

Zarur boโ€˜lsa, IELTS ZONEโ€™dan yana 1-2 nafar oโ€˜qituvchini ham 24/7 rejimda yordamga biriktirishim mumkin.

Eng muhimi, u tilni tezroq oโ€˜rganib, Angliyaga moslashishni iloji boricha tezroq uddalashi kerak.

33.5k 11 396 343 3.2k

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Notice how the guyโ€™s accent changes as soon he admits heโ€™s Indian.

34.2k 0 206 89 602

How's the weather in Urgench today? I'll be flying to there tonight!

27.3k 0 20 136 178

As a United fan, I never thought Iโ€™d say this, but Iโ€™ll be keeping a closer eye on Cityโ€™s games.

Wishing Khusanov all the best on his exciting new journey!

31.9k 1 33 102 909

February is almost here. How about we organize another February Challenge?


The other day one football writer contacted me on Twitter, asking about Khusanov.
Turns out he works for The Guardian, and yesterday he sent me his piece:

Next stop Manchester City: Khusanov โ€˜the trainโ€™ back on track after bumpy journey

31.6k 1 48 52 221

Forward from: BOOKS that SPEAK
GRIT by Angela Duckworth

Passion for your work is a little bit of discovery, followed by a lot of development, and then a lifetime of deepening.

24.3k 0 14 29 118

โœˆ๏ธ Doha โ€”> Tashkent โ€”> Dushanbe โœˆ๏ธ

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