Chapter 1️⃣.5️⃣
Eden felt awkward because he couldn’t express himself well. He compared himself to a sailor on a dark sea without a map. 🌊 He decided he had to learn more about the world Ruth lived in.
When Ruth mentioned Longfellow, Eden was excited. “I’ve read him!” he said proudly. He named two poems he remembered, but Ruth’s kind smile made him feel like she thought he was still uneducated. 😞
Eden then promised Ruth that he would improve himself. His voice became strong as he said, “I will make this my world too.” Ruth encouraged him, saying he had the strength to succeed. 💪 Eden appreciated her support and silently vowed to work harder.
Eden o‘zini noqulay his qildi, chunki o‘z fikrlarini yaxshi ifodalay olmadi. U o‘zini qorong‘u dengizda xaritasiz suzayotgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌊 U Ruth yashayotgan dunyoni o‘rganishi kerakligini tushundi.
Ruth Longfellow haqida gapirganda, Eden xursand bo‘ldi. “Men uni o‘qiganman!” dedi g‘urur bilan. U eslagan ikki she’rni aytdi, lekin Ruthning muloyim jilmayishi uni hali o‘qimagan deb o‘ylayotganini his qildi. 😞
Eden Ruthga o‘zini yaxshilashni va’da qildi. Uning ovozi qat’iy edi: “Men bu dunyoni o‘zimniki qilaman.” Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun kuchi borligini aytdi. 💪 Eden uning yordamidan minnatdor edi va o‘ziga ko‘proq mehnat qilishga so‘z berdi.
Eden noticed Ruth looking at him thoughtfully. She said, “You are very strong.” 💪 Her eyes glanced at his muscular neck and arms, tanned by the sun. Ruth found herself strangely drawn to his strength, though she had always admired men who were more elegant. This confused her.
Eden, unaware of her thoughts, said, “I’m no weakling, miss. I can handle hard work.” He admitted he couldn’t understand everything she was saying because he wasn’t trained that way. Eden compared himself to a lost sailor again, trying to navigate a new world. 🌍 He asked her for guidance.
Ruth explained that her knowledge came from years of school, high school, and now university. 🏫 Eden was amazed that she was studying at the university. He asked how long it would take for him to prepare to go there. Ruth told him it depended on how much he already knew.
Eden Ruthning unga diqqat bilan qarayotganini sezdi. Ruth shunday dedi: “Siz juda kuchlisiz.” 💪 Uning ko‘zlari Edenning quyoshda qoraygan mushakli bo‘yniga va qo‘llariga qaradi. Ruth o‘zini uning kuchiga qiziqib qolganini sezdi, garchi u har doim nafisroq erkaklarni yoqtirgan bo‘lsa ham. Bu uni hayratga soldi.
Eden uning fikrlarini bilmas edi va dedi: “Men zaif emasman, xonim. Og‘ir ishni bajaraman.” U hamma narsani tushunolmasligini tan oldi, chunki uni bu tarzda o‘qitishmagan edi. Eden yana o‘zini yangi dunyoda yo‘qolgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌍 U undan yordam so‘radi.
Ruth uning bilimlari yillar davomida maktab, o‘rta maktab va hozirda universitetda olinganini tushuntirdi. 🏫 Eden Ruthning universitetda o‘qiyotganidan hayratga tushdi. U qanday qilib tayyorgarlik ko‘rib universitetga borishni so‘radi. Ruth bunga Edenning hozirgi bilim darajasi bog‘liq ekanligini aytdi.
Eden felt awkward because he couldn’t express himself well. He compared himself to a sailor on a dark sea without a map. 🌊 He decided he had to learn more about the world Ruth lived in.
When Ruth mentioned Longfellow, Eden was excited. “I’ve read him!” he said proudly. He named two poems he remembered, but Ruth’s kind smile made him feel like she thought he was still uneducated. 😞
Eden then promised Ruth that he would improve himself. His voice became strong as he said, “I will make this my world too.” Ruth encouraged him, saying he had the strength to succeed. 💪 Eden appreciated her support and silently vowed to work harder.
Eden o‘zini noqulay his qildi, chunki o‘z fikrlarini yaxshi ifodalay olmadi. U o‘zini qorong‘u dengizda xaritasiz suzayotgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌊 U Ruth yashayotgan dunyoni o‘rganishi kerakligini tushundi.
Ruth Longfellow haqida gapirganda, Eden xursand bo‘ldi. “Men uni o‘qiganman!” dedi g‘urur bilan. U eslagan ikki she’rni aytdi, lekin Ruthning muloyim jilmayishi uni hali o‘qimagan deb o‘ylayotganini his qildi. 😞
Eden Ruthga o‘zini yaxshilashni va’da qildi. Uning ovozi qat’iy edi: “Men bu dunyoni o‘zimniki qilaman.” Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun kuchi borligini aytdi. 💪 Eden uning yordamidan minnatdor edi va o‘ziga ko‘proq mehnat qilishga so‘z berdi.
Eden noticed Ruth looking at him thoughtfully. She said, “You are very strong.” 💪 Her eyes glanced at his muscular neck and arms, tanned by the sun. Ruth found herself strangely drawn to his strength, though she had always admired men who were more elegant. This confused her.
Eden, unaware of her thoughts, said, “I’m no weakling, miss. I can handle hard work.” He admitted he couldn’t understand everything she was saying because he wasn’t trained that way. Eden compared himself to a lost sailor again, trying to navigate a new world. 🌍 He asked her for guidance.
Ruth explained that her knowledge came from years of school, high school, and now university. 🏫 Eden was amazed that she was studying at the university. He asked how long it would take for him to prepare to go there. Ruth told him it depended on how much he already knew.
Eden Ruthning unga diqqat bilan qarayotganini sezdi. Ruth shunday dedi: “Siz juda kuchlisiz.” 💪 Uning ko‘zlari Edenning quyoshda qoraygan mushakli bo‘yniga va qo‘llariga qaradi. Ruth o‘zini uning kuchiga qiziqib qolganini sezdi, garchi u har doim nafisroq erkaklarni yoqtirgan bo‘lsa ham. Bu uni hayratga soldi.
Eden uning fikrlarini bilmas edi va dedi: “Men zaif emasman, xonim. Og‘ir ishni bajaraman.” U hamma narsani tushunolmasligini tan oldi, chunki uni bu tarzda o‘qitishmagan edi. Eden yana o‘zini yangi dunyoda yo‘qolgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌍 U undan yordam so‘radi.
Ruth uning bilimlari yillar davomida maktab, o‘rta maktab va hozirda universitetda olinganini tushuntirdi. 🏫 Eden Ruthning universitetda o‘qiyotganidan hayratga tushdi. U qanday qilib tayyorgarlik ko‘rib universitetga borishni so‘radi. Ruth bunga Edenning hozirgi bilim darajasi bog‘liq ekanligini aytdi.