Abdumurod - IELTS

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Martin EDEN
(Simplified version)


➡️ Chapter 1.1
➡️ Chapter 1.2
➡️ Chapter 1.3
➡️ Chapter 1.4
➡️ Chapter 1.5
➡️ Chapter 1.6
➡️ Chapter 1.7
➡️ Chapter 1.8
➡️ Chapter 1.9
➡️ Chapter 1.10
➡️ Chapter 1.11

750 0 16 4 19

Chapter 1️⃣.1️⃣1️⃣

Over the next few weeks, Eden dedicated himself to studying. He read every spare moment, learning new words and ideas. 💡 He started feeling more confident and even began writing down his thoughts in a notebook.

Eden visited Ruth’s house again. This time, he felt a little less nervous but still clumsy compared to her world. Ruth welcomed him warmly and asked about the book she had given him. 🌺 Eden proudly told her what he had learned. Ruth was impressed by his effort. She encouraged him to keep reading and even offered to lend him more books. 📖 Eden felt deeply grateful and told her how much her support meant to him.

As Eden walked home, he realized how much he had changed already. He felt a sense of purpose and hope for the future. 🌟 He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was determined to keep moving forward.


Keyingi bir necha hafta davomida Eden o‘qishga butunlay bag‘ishladi. U bo‘sh vaqtlarida doimiy o‘qib, yangi so‘zlar va g‘oyalarni o‘rgandi. 💡 U o‘ziga ko‘proq ishonch hosil qila boshladi va hatto fikrlarini daftariga yozib qo‘yishni boshladi.

Eden yana Ruthning uyiga tashrif buyurdi. Bu safar u unchalik asabiy emas edi, lekin baribir uning dunyosiga nisbatan biroz noqulay his qildi. Ruth uni iliq kutib oldi va unga bergan kitobi haqida so‘radi. 🌺 Eden mag‘rurlik bilan o‘rgangan narsalarini aytdi.

Ruth uning mehnatidan hayratda edi. U davom etishni va unga boshqa kitoblarni ham berishni taklif qildi. 📖 Eden chuqur minnatdorlikni his qildi va unga qo‘llab-quvvatlagani uchun qanchalik minnatdor ekanligini aytdi.

Eden uyga qaytayotganda, allaqachon qanchalik o‘zgarganini tushundi. U hayotida maqsad va kelajakka umid his qildi. 🌟 Bu oson bo‘lmasligini bilardi, lekin oldinga intilishga qat’iy edi.

Chapter 1️⃣.1️⃣0️⃣

Eden left Ruth’s house feeling both excited and nervous. 🏠 He held the book tightly, knowing it was his first step toward a new world. He promised himself he would read it carefully and come back to discuss it with Ruth.

As he walked home, Eden thought about Ruth’s kindness and beauty. ✨ She was unlike anyone he had ever met. He admired her intelligence and grace and wanted to prove himself worthy of her attention.

The next morning, Eden went to the library 📚 for the first time in his life. He felt out of place but determined. The rows of books amazed him. He asked the librarian for help finding books by Swinburne and the authors Ruth had mentioned.

The librarian handed him a few books and showed him a quiet corner to read. Eden opened the first book and began reading. He struggled to understand some words but was determined to keep going. 💪 He knew this was the only way to improve.


Eden Ruthning uyidan hayajonlangan va biroz asabiy holatda chiqib ketdi. 🏠 U kitobni mahkam ushlab turdi, bu uning yangi dunyoga qadam tashlashidagi birinchi qadam edi. U bu kitobni diqqat bilan o‘qishga va Ruth bilan uni muhokama qilishga va’da berdi.

U uyga qaytayotganda, Eden Ruthning mehribonligi va go‘zalligini o‘yladi. ✨ U ilgari hech qachon bunday odamni uchratmagan edi. U uning aqlini va nafisligini qoyil qoldi va uning e’tiboriga loyiq ekanligini isbotlashni xohladi.

Ertasi kuni ertalab Eden hayotida birinchi marta kutubxonaga bordi. 📚 U o‘zini noqulay his qildi, lekin qat’iy edi. Kitoblarning uzun qatorlari uni hayratga soldi. U kutubxonachidan Swinburne va Ruth eslatgan mualliflarning kitoblarini topishga yordam so‘radi.

Kutubxonachi unga bir nechta kitob berdi va o‘qish uchun tinch burchakni ko‘rsatdi. Eden birinchi kitobni ochdi va o‘qishni boshladi. Ba’zi so‘zlarni tushunishda qiynaldi, lekin davom etishga qat’iy edi. 💪 Bu uning rivojlanishining yagona yo‘li ekanligini bilar edi.


Hours passed as Eden read. He felt frustrated when he couldn’t understand parts of the books but kept going. 📖 Slowly, the words began to make more sense. He even copied down phrases he liked to remember them later.

Eden thought about Ruth as he read. Her encouragement gave him strength to push through. 🌟 He wanted to return to her with new knowledge, to show her that he was serious about changing his life.

By the end of the day, Eden felt tired but accomplished. He borrowed a few books from the library and decided to come back every day. 🏫 He wanted to learn as much as possible.

When he got home, he opened the book Ruth had given him. 📚 This time, he read slowly, focusing on understanding the meaning behind the words. Eden smiled to himself, feeling like he was already starting a new chapter in his life.


Soatlar o‘tgan sayin, Eden kitoblarni o‘qishda davom etdi. 📖 Ba’zi qismlarini tushunolmaganda u xafa bo‘ldi, lekin taslim bo‘lmadi. Sekin-asta so‘zlar unga ma’no bera boshladi. U yoqtirgan iboralarni keyinroq eslab qolish uchun yozib oldi.

Eden o‘qiyotganda Ruth haqida o‘yladi. Uning qo‘llab-quvvatlashi unga davom etish uchun kuch berdi. 🌟 U Ruthning oldiga yangi bilim bilan qaytishni xohladi, hayotini o‘zgartirishga jiddiy ekanligini ko‘rsatish uchun.

Kun oxirida, Eden charchagan, lekin o‘zini muvaffaqiyatli his qildi. U kutubxonadan bir nechta kitob oldi va har kuni kelishga qaror qildi. 🏫 U imkon qadar ko‘proq bilim olishni xohlardi.

Uyga qaytgach, u Ruth bergan kitobni ochdi. 📚 Bu safar so‘zlarning ma’nosiga diqqat bilan qarab, sekin o‘qidi. Eden o‘ziga jilmaydi, go‘yo hayotida yangi sahifa boshlanganday edi.

Chapter 1️⃣.9️⃣

Eden shared more about his life on ships. 🌊 He talked about the storms, the hard work, and the freedom he felt on the sea. Ruth listened carefully, fascinated by his stories, even though they were very different from her own life.

Ruth then told Eden about her favorite poets and why their words inspired her. ✨ She spoke about beauty, art, and emotions in a way that amazed Eden. He had never thought about such ideas before. He felt like a student, eager to learn more.

Eden admitted that he felt uneducated compared to Ruth. 📖 He told her he wanted to study but didn’t know where to start. Ruth suggested reading simple books and working his way up. Her advice gave Eden hope, and he decided to visit the library soon.


Eden kemalardagi hayoti haqida ko‘proq gapirdi. 🌊 U bo‘ronlar, qiyin ishlar va dengizda his qilgan erkinligi haqida so‘zlab berdi. Ruth uning hikoyalarini qiziqib tingladi, garchi ular uning hayotidan juda farqli bo‘lsa ham.

Keyin Ruth Edenga o‘zining sevimli shoirlari va nega ularning so‘zlari uni ilhomlantirishi haqida gapirib berdi. ✨ U go‘zallik, san’at va his-tuyg‘ular haqida shunday gapirdiki, bu Edenni hayratga soldi. U ilgari bunday g‘oyalar haqida hech o‘ylamagan edi. O‘zini xuddi o‘quvchi kabi his qildi va ko‘proq o‘rganishni xohladi.

Eden Ruth oldida o‘zini bilimli emasdek his qildi. 📖 U o‘qishni xohlayotganini, lekin qayerdan boshlashni bilmasligini aytdi. Ruth unga oddiy kitoblarni o‘qishni va keyinchalik murakkabroq asarlarga o‘tishni maslahat berdi. Uning maslahati Edenga umid berdi va u yaqin orada kutubxonaga borishga qaror qildi.


Ruth’s mother returned and asked Eden if he liked poetry. Eden said he did and mentioned a few lines from a poem he had read. 📜 Ruth’s mother smiled but didn’t ask more. Eden felt relieved and decided to keep the focus on books instead of his past.

Eden realized how much he wanted to impress Ruth and her family. He wanted to be more than just a sailor. 💪 As the evening went on, he felt both excited and overwhelmed by their world of books, art, and culture.

Before leaving, Ruth handed Eden a book and told him to read it. 📚 “Start with this,” she said kindly. Eden took the book with gratitude, feeling as if he had been given a treasure. He promised to return and talk to her about it.


Ruthning onasi qaytib keldi va Eden she’riyatni yoqtiradimi, deb so‘radi. Eden yoqtirishini aytdi va o‘qigan bir she’ridan bir necha satrni eslatib o‘tdi. 📜 Ruthning onasi jilmaydi, lekin ko‘proq savol bermadi. Eden yengil tortdi va suhbatni kitoblar mavzusida davom ettirishga qaror qildi.

Eden Ruth va uning oilasini qoyil qoldirishni juda xohlashini tushundi. U faqat dengizchi bo‘lib qolishni xohlamasdi. 💪 Kech davomida u ularning kitoblar, san’at va madaniyat dunyosidan hayajonlandi va biroz cho‘chib qoldi.

Ketishdan oldin Ruth Edenga bir kitob berdi va uni o‘qishni maslahat berdi. 📚 “Mana shundan boshlang,” dedi u muloyimlik bilan. Eden kitobni minnatdorlik bilan oldi, xuddi xazina qo‘liga tekkanidek his qildi. U qaytib kelib, bu kitob haqida gaplashishga va’da berdi.

Chapter 1️⃣.8️⃣

Eden then asked Ruth how she learned so much. She explained that education, especially at the university, gave her knowledge. Eden felt inspired and told her he wanted to follow the same path. Ruth encouraged him, saying it was never too late.

When Ruth’s mother left the room, Eden relaxed a little. He talked more freely with Ruth. He told her about his life on ships 🌊 and his love for adventure. Ruth listened with interest but couldn’t fully relate to his stories.

Eden noticed how Ruth’s presence made him think bigger. ✨ He felt a desire to change his life, study harder, and someday become part of her world. It felt like a dream, but he was determined to make it real.


Keyin Eden Ruthdan bu qadar ko‘p narsalarni qanday o‘rganganini so‘radi. Ruth ta’lim, ayniqsa universitetdagi o‘qish unga bilim berganini tushuntirdi. Eden ilhomlandi va shu yo‘lni davom ettirmoqchi ekanligini aytdi. Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatlab, hech qachon kech emasligini aytdi.

Ruthning onasi xonadan chiqqach, Eden biroz xotirjam bo‘ldi. U Ruth bilan erkinroq gaplasha boshladi. U kemalarda bo‘lgan hayoti 🌊 va sarguzashtga bo‘lgan sevgisi haqida gapirib berdi. Ruth qiziqish bilan tingladi, lekin uning hikoyalarini to‘liq tushunolmadi.

Eden Ruthning borligi uni katta maqsadlar haqida o‘ylashga majbur qilganini payqadi. ✨ U hayotini o‘zgartirish, ko‘proq o‘rganish va bir kun kelib Ruthning dunyosiga mos bo‘lishni xohlardi. Bu xuddi tushdek tuyulardi, lekin u buni haqiqatga aylantirishga qat’iy qaror qildi.

Eden asked Ruth more about books and poetry. 📚 He wanted to understand the world she lived in. Ruth explained her favorite authors and why she admired them. Eden listened closely, feeling inspired but also realizing how little he knew.

As they talked, Eden mentioned a poem he had read. Ruth smiled and encouraged him, saying it was a good choice. Eden felt proud but still awkward because he struggled to express his thoughts clearly. 🌍 He told Ruth that he wanted to learn how to speak and think like her.

Ruth noticed Eden’s determination. She admired his strength and honesty. 💪 She told him that with hard work and patience, he could achieve his goals. Eden was grateful and silently promised himself to try harder.


Eden Ruthdan kitoblar va she’riyat haqida ko‘proq so‘radi. 📚 U Ruth yashayotgan dunyoni tushunishni xohlardi. Ruth o‘zining sevimli yozuvchilari va ular nega unga yoqishini tushuntirdi. Eden diqqat bilan tingladi, ilhomlandi, lekin o‘zi qanchalik kam bilimga ega ekanligini anglab yetdi.

Suhbat davomida Eden o‘qigan bir she’rini esladi. Ruth jilmaydi va bu yaxshi tanlov ekanligini aytdi. Eden o‘zini g‘ururli his qildi, lekin hali ham fikrlarini aniq ifoda etishda qiynaldi. 🌍 U Ruthga uning kabi gapirishni va o‘ylashni o‘rganishni xohlashini aytdi.

Ruth Edenning qat’iyatini payqadi. U uning kuchi va samimiyligidan hayratlandi. 💪 U Edenga mehnat va sabr bilan o‘z maqsadlariga erishishi mumkinligini aytdi. Eden bunga minnatdor bo‘ldi va ichida yanada ko‘proq harakat qilishga so‘z berdi.

Chapter 1️⃣.7️⃣

Eden watched Ruth and her mother closely. Their refined manners and soft voices amazed him. 🏠 He compared them to the rough and loud people he knew from his past. He felt inspired but also out of place.

Ruth’s mother asked him about his scars. 🗡 Eden explained how he got one from a knife fight, but he left out the violent details. Ruth’s mother nodded politely, but Eden could see the shock in her face. He felt embarrassed again and regretted talking about it.

Ruth changed the subject to make him feel better. She asked about his favorite books. 📚 Eden said he liked poetry, especially Swinburne. Ruth smiled and shared her opinions about Swinburne’s work. She gently corrected Eden’s pronunciation, and he listened carefully, eager to learn.


Eden Ruth va uning onasini kuzatdi. Ularning nafis odatlari va muloyim ovozlari uni hayratga soldi. 🏠 Ularni o‘zining o‘tmishdagi shovqinli va qo‘pol odamlari bilan taqqosladi. Bu uni ilhomlantirdi, lekin shu bilan birga o‘zini joysiz his qildi.

Ruthning onasi uning chandiqlari haqida so‘radi. 🗡 Eden ulardan birini pichoq bilan bo‘lgan jangda olganini tushuntirdi, lekin zo‘ravon tafsilotlarni aytib o‘tmadi. Ruthning onasi muloyimlik bilan bosh irg‘adi, lekin Eden uning yuzidagi hayratni ko‘rdi. U yana bu haqda gapirganidan afsuslandi.

Ruth mavzuni o‘zgartirib, uni qulay his qilishga harakat qildi. U Edenning eng sevimli kitoblarini so‘radi. 📚 Eden she’riyatni, ayniqsa Swinburneni yoqtirishini aytdi. Ruth tabassum qildi va Swinburnening asarlari haqidagi fikrlarini bo‘lishdi. U Edenning talaffuzini muloyimlik bilan to‘g‘riladi, Eden esa o‘rganishga jon deb quloq soldi.


Eden began to feel a little more comfortable. He asked Ruth about her studies at the university. 🏫 She explained her courses, and Eden admired her knowledge. He told her he wanted to study too, even if it would take years. Ruth encouraged him, saying he could achieve it.

As Ruth spoke, Eden noticed her grace and beauty. ✨ Her voice sounded like music, and her words inspired him. He thought about how different she was from the women he had known. Her intelligence and kindness made him want to improve himself.

Eden admitted he didn’t understand everything Ruth said. 🌍 He explained that his life had been rough and full of hard work, not education. Ruth didn’t judge him and instead encouraged him to keep learning and growing.


Eden o‘zini biroz qulayroq his qila boshladi. U Ruthdan universitetdagi o‘qishlari haqida so‘radi. 🏫 Ruth o‘z kurslari haqida gapirdi, Eden esa uning bilimiga qoyil qoldi. U o‘qishni xohlashini, hatto bu yillar oladigan bo‘lsa ham, aytdi. Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va bunga erishishi mumkinligini aytdi.

Ruth gapirar ekan, Eden uning nafisligi va go‘zalligini payqadi. ✨ Uning ovozi musiqa kabi eshitilar edi, va so‘zlari uni ilhomlantirdi. U Ruthni bilgan ayollardan qanchalik farqli ekanligini o‘yladi. Uning aqli va mehribonligi Edenni o‘zini yaxshilashni xohlashiga sabab bo‘ldi.

Eden Ruthning gaplarining hammasini tushunmasligini tan oldi. 🌍 U hayoti og‘ir ishlar bilan o‘tganini, ta’lim bilan emas, tushuntirdi. Ruth uni tanqid qilmadi, aksincha, bilim olishni va o‘zini rivojlantirishni davom ettirishga undadi.


Chapter 1️⃣.6️⃣

Eden told Ruth he hadn’t finished grammar school. “I left two years before finishing, but I was always promoted,” he said proudly. 📚 Then he felt embarrassed for boasting and gripped his chair tightly. Ruth didn’t judge him and encouraged him to keep learning.

At that moment, another woman entered the room. Eden guessed it was Ruth’s mother. 👩‍🦳 She was tall, graceful, and elegant. Ruth ran to her, and they hugged warmly. Eden struggled to stand up to greet her, feeling awkward in his loose clothes.

Ruth introduced Eden to her mother. Eden stiffly greeted her, unsure how to act. 😟 Ruth’s mother smiled politely, but Eden felt out of place again. His rough appearance and simple manners made him feel different from the refined people around him.


Eden Ruthga boshlang‘ich maktabni tugatmaganini aytdi. “Men ikki yil qoldirgandim, lekin har doim sinfdan o‘tganman,” dedi u g‘urur bilan. 📚 Keyin bu gaplari uchun o‘zini noqulay his qildi va stulni mahkam ushlab oldi. Ruth uni tanqid qilmadi va bilim olishda davom etishga undadi.

Shu paytda boshqa bir ayol xonaga kirdi. Eden bu Ruthning onasi ekanligini taxmin qildi. 👩‍🦳 U uzun bo‘yli, nafis va chiroyli edi. Ruth uning oldiga yugurib bordi va iliq quchoqlashdi. Eden uni kutib olish uchun turishga qiynaldi va o‘zining keng kiyimlarida noqulay his qildi.

Ruth Edenni onasiga tanishtirdi. Eden uni qotib salomlashdi va nima qilishni bilmas edi. 😟 Ruthning onasi muloyim jilmaydi, lekin Eden yana o‘zini joysiz his qildi. Uning qo‘pol ko‘rinishi va oddiy odatlari atrofdagi odamlardan farqini ko‘rsatib turardi.


Ruth’s mother spoke kindly, asking Eden about his work. He explained that he worked on ships 🌊 and shared some stories about his experiences. Ruth’s mother listened politely but didn’t understand his rough way of speaking. Eden felt more nervous.

To ease the tension, Ruth asked Eden what books he liked to read. 📖 Eden talked about a few poems he remembered and mentioned how poetry inspired him. Ruth smiled and said he had good taste. This gave Eden confidence.

As Ruth and her mother talked, Eden stayed quiet, watching them. He admired how graceful they both were and thought about how different they were from the people he knew. 🏠 He resolved again to work hard and fit into their world.


Ruthning onasi muloyim gapirdi va Edenning ishini so‘radi. U kemalarda ishlashini 🌊 va o‘zining tajribalari haqida bir nechta hikoyalar bilan bo‘lishdi. Ruthning onasi uni hurmat bilan tingladi, lekin uning qo‘pol nutqini yaxshi tushunmadi. Eden yanada asabiylashdi.

Taranglikni yengish uchun Ruth Edenning qanday kitoblarni o‘qishni yoqtirishini so‘radi. 📖 Eden eslagan bir nechta she’rlar haqida gapirdi va she’riyat uni qanday ilhomlantirganini aytdi. Ruth jilmaydi va uning didi yaxshi ekanligini aytdi. Bu Edenning ishonchini oshirdi.

Ruth va onasi gaplashayotganida, Eden sukutda ularni kuzatib o‘tirdi. U ularning nafis harakatlariga qoyil qoldi va ular o‘zi biladigan odamlardan qanchalik farqli ekanligini o‘yladi. 🏠 U yana ko‘proq mehnat qilib, ularning dunyosiga moslashishga qaror qildi.

Chapter 1️⃣.5️⃣

Eden felt awkward because he couldn’t express himself well. He compared himself to a sailor on a dark sea without a map. 🌊 He decided he had to learn more about the world Ruth lived in.

When Ruth mentioned Longfellow, Eden was excited. “I’ve read him!” he said proudly. He named two poems he remembered, but Ruth’s kind smile made him feel like she thought he was still uneducated. 😞

Eden then promised Ruth that he would improve himself. His voice became strong as he said, “I will make this my world too.” Ruth encouraged him, saying he had the strength to succeed. 💪 Eden appreciated her support and silently vowed to work harder.


Eden o‘zini noqulay his qildi, chunki o‘z fikrlarini yaxshi ifodalay olmadi. U o‘zini qorong‘u dengizda xaritasiz suzayotgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌊 U Ruth yashayotgan dunyoni o‘rganishi kerakligini tushundi.

Ruth Longfellow haqida gapirganda, Eden xursand bo‘ldi. “Men uni o‘qiganman!” dedi g‘urur bilan. U eslagan ikki she’rni aytdi, lekin Ruthning muloyim jilmayishi uni hali o‘qimagan deb o‘ylayotganini his qildi. 😞

Eden Ruthga o‘zini yaxshilashni va’da qildi. Uning ovozi qat’iy edi: “Men bu dunyoni o‘zimniki qilaman.” Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun kuchi borligini aytdi. 💪 Eden uning yordamidan minnatdor edi va o‘ziga ko‘proq mehnat qilishga so‘z berdi.


Eden noticed Ruth looking at him thoughtfully. She said, “You are very strong.” 💪 Her eyes glanced at his muscular neck and arms, tanned by the sun. Ruth found herself strangely drawn to his strength, though she had always admired men who were more elegant. This confused her.

Eden, unaware of her thoughts, said, “I’m no weakling, miss. I can handle hard work.” He admitted he couldn’t understand everything she was saying because he wasn’t trained that way. Eden compared himself to a lost sailor again, trying to navigate a new world. 🌍 He asked her for guidance.

Ruth explained that her knowledge came from years of school, high school, and now university. 🏫 Eden was amazed that she was studying at the university. He asked how long it would take for him to prepare to go there. Ruth told him it depended on how much he already knew.


Eden Ruthning unga diqqat bilan qarayotganini sezdi. Ruth shunday dedi: “Siz juda kuchlisiz.” 💪 Uning ko‘zlari Edenning quyoshda qoraygan mushakli bo‘yniga va qo‘llariga qaradi. Ruth o‘zini uning kuchiga qiziqib qolganini sezdi, garchi u har doim nafisroq erkaklarni yoqtirgan bo‘lsa ham. Bu uni hayratga soldi.

Eden uning fikrlarini bilmas edi va dedi: “Men zaif emasman, xonim. Og‘ir ishni bajaraman.” U hamma narsani tushunolmasligini tan oldi, chunki uni bu tarzda o‘qitishmagan edi. Eden yana o‘zini yangi dunyoda yo‘qolgan dengizchiga o‘xshatdi. 🌍 U undan yordam so‘radi.

Ruth uning bilimlari yillar davomida maktab, o‘rta maktab va hozirda universitetda olinganini tushuntirdi. 🏫 Eden Ruthning universitetda o‘qiyotganidan hayratga tushdi. U qanday qilib tayyorgarlik ko‘rib universitetga borishni so‘radi. Ruth bunga Edenning hozirgi bilim darajasi bog‘liq ekanligini aytdi.

Chapter 1️⃣.4️⃣

At that moment, Eden noticed a woman entering the room. She was tall, blonde, and elegant. 👩‍🦳✨ Ruth ran to her and hugged her warmly. Eden guessed this was Ruth’s mother. He admired her graceful dress, which reminded him of the fancy women he had seen outside theaters in London. 🎭

His mind wandered to memories of grand places like the Grand Hotel in Yokohama, 🌆 but he quickly focused back on the room. He knew he had to stand up to greet Ruth’s mother. Eden struggled to rise and felt awkward with his baggy trousers and clumsy movements.

When Ruth introduced him, Eden stood stiffly, unsure how to act. Ruth’s mother smiled politely, but Eden felt out of place. 😟 He realized his rough appearance and unpolished manners made him different from the people in this house.


Shu paytda Eden xonaga kirayotgan bir ayolni ko‘rdi. U uzun bo‘yli, sarg‘ish sochli va juda nozik edi. 👩‍🦳✨ Ruth uning oldiga yugurib bordi va iliq quchoqladi. Eden bu ayol Ruthning onasi bo‘lsa kerak, deb o‘yladi. U uning nafis libosiga qoyil qoldi, bu libos London teatrlarida ko‘rgan hashamatli ayollarni eslatardi. 🎭

Edenning xayoli Yokohama shahridagi katta joylarga, masalan, Grand Hotelga 🌆 ketdi, lekin u tezda o‘zini xonaga qaytarishga majbur bo‘ldi. U Ruthning onasi bilan salomlashish uchun o‘rnidan turishi kerakligini bilardi. Eden qiyinchilik bilan turib, keng shimlari va noqulay harakatlari bilan o‘zini noqulay his qildi.

Ruth uni tanishtirganida, Eden qotib turdi va nima qilishni bilmay qoldi. Ruthning onasi odob bilan jilmaydi, lekin Eden bu uydagi odamlar bilan farqi borligini his qildi. 😟 U o‘zining qo‘pol ko‘rinishi va silliq odatlari yo‘qligini sezdi.


Ruth’s mother spoke kindly, but Eden’s thoughts were elsewhere. He felt the distance between their worlds 🌍 and wondered if he could ever belong. Ruth noticed Eden’s nervousness and tried to make him feel comfortable.

Ruth asked Eden about his scar again. He explained it was from a fight with a man who had a knife. 🗡 He said, “The man tried to bite off my nose.” Ruth was shocked, and Eden realized this wasn’t the kind of story people like Ruth’s family would want to hear. He felt embarrassed.

Ruth quickly changed the topic and talked about poetry again. She said some poets, like Swinburne, wrote things that were not suitable to read. Eden admitted he didn’t know much about poetry but loved how it made him feel. 🌟


Ruthning onasi mehribon gapirdi, lekin Eden boshqa narsalar haqida o‘ylardi. U o‘z dunyosi bilan ularning dunyosi orasidagi farqni sezdi 🌍 va hech qachon ularga moslasha olarmikan, deb hayron bo‘ldi. Ruth Edenning asabiyligini sezdi va uni qulay his qilishga harakat qildi.

Ruth yana Edenning chandiq haqida so‘radi. Eden bu pichoq bilan qurollangan odam bilan bo‘lgan janjaldan qolganligini tushuntirdi. 🗡 U shunday dedi: “U mening burnimni tishlashga urindi.” Ruth hayratda qoldi va Eden bu Ruth oilasi kabi odamlarga yoqmaydigan hikoya ekanligini tushundi. U o‘zini noqulay his qildi.

Ruth tezda mavzuni o‘zgartirib, yana she’riyat haqida gapira boshladi. U ba’zi shoirlar, masalan, Swinburne, o‘qish uchun mos bo‘lmagan narsalar yozganini aytdi. Eden she’riyat haqida ko‘p narsa bilmasligini, lekin u o‘zini qanday his qilgani unga yoqishini tan oldi. 🌟


Chapter 1️⃣.3️⃣

Ruth began talking about Swinburne’s poetry. Eden felt more relaxed, sitting back in his chair, but still holding its arms tightly. Ruth spoke fluently, using many difficult words Eden didn’t know. He admired her knowledge and the beauty of her face. ✨ He thought, “This is the life I want. She’s the kind of person I dream about.”

Eden stared at her, forgetting himself, and Ruth noticed his gaze. 👀 She felt shy but also pleased to be looked at like that. Her thoughts became confused. She found Eden’s strength and roughness both interesting and alarming. 💪 She was surprised by her feelings, as she usually liked graceful men.

“As I was saying,” Ruth began, but then forgot her words and laughed. Eden smiled and helped her remember. “You said Swinburne wasn’t a great poet,” he reminded her. Her laughter sounded like music to Eden. 🎶 It made him imagine faraway places, cherry blossoms, and beautiful temples.


Ruth Swinburnening she’riyatidan gapira boshladi. Eden o‘zini tinchroq his qildi, stulda orqaga suyanib o‘tirdi, lekin hali ham uning tutqichlarini mahkam ushlab turdi. Ruth ravon gapirdi va ko‘p qiyin so‘zlar ishlatdi, Eden esa ularni tushunmadi. Lekin Eden uning bilimini va yuzidagi go‘zalligini hayrat bilan tomosha qildi. ✨ “Men xohlagan hayot mana shu,” deb o‘yladi. “U men orzu qilgan odam.”

Eden unga tikilib qoldi, o‘zini unutib qo‘ydi, va Ruth uning qarashlarini sezdi. 👀 Ruth o‘zini uyatchan his qildi, lekin bunday qarashdan mamnun ham edi. Uning his-tuyg‘ulari chalkashib ketdi. Ruth Edenning kuchini va qo‘polligini bir vaqtning o‘zida qiziqarli va xavotirli deb topdi. 💪 U o‘z his-tuyg‘ularidan hayratda edi, chunki odatda unga nafis erkaklar yoqardi.

“Men nima deyayotgan edim?” deb boshladi Ruth, lekin keyin so‘zlarini unutib qo‘ydi va kulib yubordi. Eden kulib, unga eslatib qo‘ydi. “Siz Swinburneni buyuk shoir emas, degandingiz,” deb unga yordamlashdi. Ruthning kulgisi Eden uchun musiqa kabi eshitildi. 🎶 Bu uni uzoq joylar, gilos gullari va chiroyli ibodatxonalar haqida o‘ylashga majbur qildi.


Eden admitted he didn’t understand poetry as deeply as Ruth did. He compared himself to a sailor lost at sea 🌊 without a map or compass. He promised to learn her way of thinking and talking. “How did you learn all of this?” he asked.

“By studying,” Ruth said. She mentioned school, high school, and university. 🏫 Eden was amazed that she was studying at the university. He felt like she was from another world, far away from him. 🌍

“How long would I have to study to go to university?” Eden asked. Ruth encouraged him, saying it depended on how much he already knew. She asked if he had finished grammar school. Eden said he left two years before finishing but was always promoted at school. 📚 He felt embarrassed after saying this and gripped his chair tightly.


Eden she’riyatni Ruth kabi chuqur tushunmasligini tan oldi. O‘zini dengizda yo‘qolgan dengizchiga 🌊 o‘xshatdi: xarita yoki kompassiz. U Ruth kabi o‘ylashni va gapirishni o‘rganishga va’da berdi. “Siz bularning hammasini qanday o‘rgandingiz?” deb so‘radi.

“Ta’lim olish orqali,” dedi Ruth. U maktab, o‘rta maktab va universitet haqida gapirdi. 🏫 Eden uning universitetda o‘qiyotganidan hayratga tushdi. Uni boshqa, o‘zidan uzoq dunyoga tegishli deb his qildi. 🌍

“Universitetga kirish uchun qancha o‘qishim kerak?” deb so‘radi Eden. Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va bu uning qancha bilimga ega ekanligiga bog‘liq ekanligini aytdi. U Edenning boshlang‘ich maktabni tugatgan-tugatmaganini so‘radi. Eden ikki yil qolganida maktabni tark etganini, lekin har doim yuqoriga ko‘tarilganini aytdi. 📚 Bu gapni aytgach, Eden o‘zini noqulay his qildi va stulning tutqichlarini mahkam siqib oldi.

Chapter 1️⃣.2️⃣

Eden turned and saw Ruth. She was beautiful, with golden hair and blue eyes. 👩‍🦳✨ He thought she looked like an angel. Eden felt awkward and nervous in her presence. Ruth noticed the scars on his hands and neck. 🗡 She asked about them, and Eden explained they were from a fight. She looked shocked but didn’t judge him.

They began talking about poetry. Ruth was surprised that Eden liked poetry, but Eden admitted he didn’t know much. 🧠 He promised himself that he would learn to speak better so he could understand her world. Ruth encouraged him, and Eden felt determined to improve. 💪


Eden burilib Ruthni ko‘rdi. U oltin sochlari va ko‘k ko‘zlari bilan juda go‘zal edi. 👩‍🦳✨ U Eden uchun xuddi farishta kabi ko‘rindi. Eden uning oldida o‘zini noqulay va asabiy his qildi. Ruth uning qo‘l va bo‘ynidagi chandiqlarni sezdi. 🗡 U ulardan so‘radi, Eden esa bu janjal paytida olinganini tushuntirdi. Ruth hayratlandi, lekin uni tanqid qilmadi.

Ular she’riyat haqida gaplasha boshlashdi. Ruth Edenning she’riyatga qiziqishidan hayratlandi, lekin Eden ko‘p narsa bilmasligini tan oldi. 🧠 U o‘ziga so‘z berdi: yaxshi gapirishni va Ruthning dunyosini yaxshiroq tushunishni o‘rganaman. Ruth uni qo‘llab-quvvatladi va Eden o‘zini rivojlantirishga qat’iy qaror qildi. 💪

Martin EDEN
(Simplified version)

Chapter 1️⃣.1️⃣

The man unlocked the door and stepped in. 🏠 Behind him, a young man nervously followed, removing his hat awkwardly. 🎩 He wore rough clothes that smelled of the sea 🌊 and looked very out of place in the large, fancy hallway. The young man didn’t know where to put his hat and tried to shove it into his coat pocket. The other man gently took it from him, making him feel relieved. 🙏 "He knows how to help me," he thought.

The young man walked behind him, his shoulders swinging as if he were still on a ship. 🚢 He felt nervous that his broad shoulders might hit something or knock over the decorations. 🪞 The big piano 🎹 and a table full of books 📚 amazed him but also made him feel clumsy and out of place.

Eshik ochildi va bir kishi ichkariga kirdi. 🏠 Uning ortidan yosh yigit uyatchan holda kirdi va shapkasini yechdi. 🎩 U dengizdan kelgan kishidek kiyingan edi 🌊 va katta, hashamatli xonada o‘zini noqulay his qildi. Yosh yigit shapkani qayerga qo‘yishni bilmay, uni cho‘ntagiga tiqishga urindi. Boshqa kishi shapkani muloyimlik bilan oldi, bu esa yigitni yengil torttirdi. 🙏 "U meni tushunadi," deb o‘yladi.

Yosh yigit uning ortidan kema tebranishiga o‘xshab yelkalari tebranib yurdi. 🚢 U keng yelkalari bilan biror narsani urib yuborishidan yoki narsalarni yiqitishidan qo‘rqardi. 🪞 Katta pianino 🎹 va kitoblar bilan to‘lgan stol 📚 uni hayratga soldi, lekin o‘zini qo‘pol va joysizdek his qildi.


He saw Arthur walk calmly and wished he could move like him. But Eden’s walk was different—it felt awkward and out of control. 😟 As they reached a room with a painting on the wall, he stopped to admire it. 🌅 The painting showed a ship fighting strong waves in a storm, and he forgot his fears while staring at its beauty.

Then, Eden noticed the books on the table. 📚 He touched them gently and felt excited as he picked one up. Swinburne, the author’s name, caught his attention. He started reading the poetry, losing track of time. At that moment, a young woman entered the room. Arthur said, "Ruth, this is Mr. Eden." Eden felt strange being called "Mr." for the first time. 😳


U Arthurning xotirjam yurishini ko‘rdi va o‘zi ham shunday yurishni xohladi. Ammo Edenning yurishi boshqacha edi—qo‘pol va nazoratsizdek tuyulardi. 😟 U devordagi rasmlar bor xonaga yetganda, to‘xtab, rasmlardan birini tomosha qila boshladi. 🌅 Rasmda to‘lqinlarga qarshi kurashayotgan kema tasvirlangan edi, va Eden o‘z qo‘rquvlarini unutib, uning go‘zalligidan zavq oldi.

Keyin Eden stol ustidagi kitoblarga ko‘zi tushdi. 📚 U kitoblarni muloyimlik bilan qo‘liga olib, birini o‘qishni boshladi. Swinburne, muallifning ismi, uning e’tiborini tortdi. U she’rlarni o‘qib, vaqtni unutdi. Shu paytda yosh ayol xonaga kirdi. Arthur dedi: "Ruth, bu janob Eden." Edenni birinchi marta "Janob" deb chaqirishganda, u o‘zini g‘alati his qildi. 😳

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2024 January - April VIETNAM.pdf
⚡️Writing REAL EXAM questions.

✔️O'zizga saqlab qo'ying, aniq shular ichidan tushadi.

⚠️Faqat 9 maydagi examda emas, shu yil davomidagi qolgan barcha IELTS imtihonlarida keladi.

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➡️ MULTI LEVEL (CEFR) imtihoni topshiruvchilar bu yangilik aynan siz uchun ❗️

🛡Endlikda bizning markazda Multi level imtihonini SPEAKING qismi Real imtihondagidek Computer 💻 da olinadi va eng ishonchli qo'llanmalar bilan Full reading va listening mock olinadi 🔥

⭐️ IELTS imtihoni ham tuliq bo'ladi va eng standard materiallardan foydalaniladi ✅

💜 Roʻyxatdan oʻtish uchun @DOSTON_SADULLAYEV profiliga murojaat qiling 💭

😀Imtihon topshirish narxi - 50.000

🔷Boshlanish vaqti MULTI LEVEL (CEFR) - soat 📴09.00 da 📱

🔷Boshlanish vaqti IELTS - soat 📴10.00 da 📱

📴SANA : 01.12.2024 🗓

➕Manzil -Bo'stonsaroy koʻchasi, 93. (SamDChTI binosi )


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💭 A group of security is called:

💬 A group of actors is called:

💭 A group of sailors is called:

💬 A group of dancers is called:

💭 A group of athletes is called:

💬 A group of friends is called:

💭 A group of ambassadors is called: DELEGATION 🔴

💬 A group of experts is called:

💭 A group of recruits is called:

💬 A group of singers is called:

💭 A group of musicians is called:

💬 A group of listeners is called:

💭 A group of criminals is called:


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