00:00 - Ingliz tilida kitob o‘qish Reading Section uchun yordam beradimi?
04:50 - Summary Completion and Sentence Completion. What is the difference between them?
09:41 - How to solve time management problems?
14:05 - True-False-NotGiven savol turidagi muammoni qanday yechish mumkin?
16:25 - Solutions for Matching Heading question type problems
19:36 - Birinchi marta IELTS topshirayotgan o'quvchilar uchun tavsiyalar
22:50 - True-False va Yes-No savol turidagi farqlar nimada?
23:50 - Writing'ni kuchaytirish uchun nima qilish kerak?
27:05 - Are there any secrets on Passage 3 in Reading Section?
30:38 - Muti-level imtihonidagi Reading bo‘limi haqida
32:43 - So‘zni qanday yodlash kerak?
35:54 - I can understand a passage, but I always get low score. What can I do?
39:48 - Reading 5.5 dan 7 ga chiqish uchun nima qilish kerak?
42:44 - Advice for pre-intermediate level students
44:20 - Recommendations to improve vocabulary
04:50 - Summary Completion and Sentence Completion. What is the difference between them?
09:41 - How to solve time management problems?
14:05 - True-False-NotGiven savol turidagi muammoni qanday yechish mumkin?
16:25 - Solutions for Matching Heading question type problems
19:36 - Birinchi marta IELTS topshirayotgan o'quvchilar uchun tavsiyalar
22:50 - True-False va Yes-No savol turidagi farqlar nimada?
23:50 - Writing'ni kuchaytirish uchun nima qilish kerak?
27:05 - Are there any secrets on Passage 3 in Reading Section?
30:38 - Muti-level imtihonidagi Reading bo‘limi haqida
32:43 - So‘zni qanday yodlash kerak?
35:54 - I can understand a passage, but I always get low score. What can I do?
39:48 - Reading 5.5 dan 7 ga chiqish uchun nima qilish kerak?
42:44 - Advice for pre-intermediate level students
44:20 - Recommendations to improve vocabulary