Postlar filtri

Спокойствия, умиротворения и вот этой гармонии, от слияния с бесконечным вечным…

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Bir yaxshi akamiz tur firma ochayotgan ekan.

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish uchun, ya’ni sertifikat olish uchun sayt kerak ekan. 2 kecha 3 kun ichida shunaqa sayt qilib berdim.

Baho berila, 🌐💻

Great movie 🎥

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«Цифровая крепость»

Yoqdi shu kitob. Kamdan kam kitobni qiziqib tez o’qib tugataman. Odatda xar kuni azginadan o’qishga xarakat qilaman.

Bu kitob “Atomic Habits” va “The Alchemist” dan keyingi 3chi qiziqib tez o’qib tugatgan kitobim bo’ldi

Bir yil bo’lipti.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Birinchi marta kinoteatrda o’zbekcha dublyajda multfilm ko’rdim.

Хамелеон - o’zbekchada “Buqalamun” bo’larkan.

Odiljon Khojimurodov dan repost
I am Odiljon Khojimurodov, a freshman student at the City University of Hong Kong majoring in Global Business.

Apprentice of Alisher Isaev and Umidjon Ishmukhamedov.

Partnering with Aziz Rahimov, Harry Thompson, Muhammad Ali Eshonqulov and others.

With my team, we are preparing students for the best universities in the world.

Finally decided to open my blog after much consideration. Will try to talk about my student experience in Hong Kong, my journey in business, and others.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

ertadan o'qishi boshlavomman


Internet IS for everyone – but it won’t be unless WE make it so.

-Vint Cerf


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