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Telegram'da ko‘rish
🤓 Today, I wanted to add GitHub authentication functionality to my app. I searched for available packages but found that the ones I came across were no longer supported and were unusable. So, I decided to develop my own github_auth package
📦 github_oauth - A Flutter package that simplifies GitHub OAuth authentication in your app. It handles the OAuth2 flow, from login to token retrieval, and provides a customizable sign-in experience.
⭐️ Features:
• Complete OAuth2 Flow: User login and token management
• Customizable UI: Personalize the sign-in page and WebView
• WebView Integration: Smooth native WebView experience
• Secure token handling
• Comprehensive error handling
📃 For more details, visit the package's page on The source code is also available on GitHub
🧑💻 @khusanboyscodes
📦 github_oauth - A Flutter package that simplifies GitHub OAuth authentication in your app. It handles the OAuth2 flow, from login to token retrieval, and provides a customizable sign-in experience.
⭐️ Features:
• Complete OAuth2 Flow: User login and token management
• Customizable UI: Personalize the sign-in page and WebView
• WebView Integration: Smooth native WebView experience
• Secure token handling
• Comprehensive error handling
📃 For more details, visit the package's page on The source code is also available on GitHub
🧑💻 @khusanboyscodes