мᴜʜᴀммᴀᴅ | IELTS 8.0 | Multilevel C1

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Welcome to my IELTS journey!
IELTS Band Score: 8
Listening: 9
Reading: 9
Writing: 7 (2x)
Speaking: 6.5
Listening/Reading: 75
Writing: 69
working at @everestofficial
PM: @xudoyberganovv

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Congratulations, Odina. You deserved better but still a great achievement🔥



Speakingni etmasa qogani fire😁🔥
Tabrikliman Muxlisa. Yaxshi kunlarizga xizmat qisin



Madina, tabrikliman. Yaxshi kunlarizga buyursin🔥


He is literally my first student🤧
EoR beramiz nasib. Avazbek, congratulations🔥


Next time we’ll make it 7+, insha Allah. Sevara, congratulations🔥

2️⃣2️⃣🔤0️⃣2️⃣ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

better luck next time:)

109 0 1 37 29

The bar chart gives information about how the percentage of school children changed in terms of learning to play four musical instruments, including piano, guitar, drums and violin, for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.

Overall, while learning piano, guitar and drums experienced upward trends, the reverse was true for violin. Notably, more students at school learnt how to play piano and guitar in comparison with the other two instruments.

Focusing on the bigger numbers first, piano and guitar started the period with almost similar figures, at just above 10%. While the percentage of school students engaged in playing piano increased to 20% in 2010, the latter also witnessed a gradual rise to nearly 18%. In 2015, learning to play piano was surpassed by guitar, with the respective numbers of about 38% and 40%.

As for the drums and violin, they were less popular among pupils over the 10-year period. The portion of students learnt drums showed no change between 2010 and 2015, and this was followed by a slight increase from 5% to 10%. Despite starting the period at around 9%, the proportion of students interested in learning violin declined to 5% by 2015, making it the least popular instrument in the chart.



The bar chart shows the percentage of school children learning to play different musical instruments in 2005, 2010 and 2015.

The diagram describes the process by which chocolate is made.

Overall, nine different steps, commencing with cultivating cacao trees, followed by further processing, and ending with molding, are involved in this linear process. Notably, the process is a complex one, which requires significant time and special use of equipment to complete.

To begin with, cacao trees are grown until the red pods are ripe. The pods are afterwards collected, after which the white cacao beans undergo fermentation process during 2-10 days. Following this, the cacao beans are spread in the sun before they are roasted at a temperature between 120 and 150 degrees Celsius.

Having been roasted, the outer shell of the beans is removed so that the beans can be crushed. At the next step, the crushed beans go through a conche machine, where the flavor and texture of the chocolate are refined and the inner part of the beans is pressed. This is followed by the procedure of tempering. The ready chocolate product is molded at the last stage of the process.



202 0 1 14 13

The diagram shows how chocolate is produced.

The diagram illustrates the production process of drinkable water collected from rainwater in a town in Australia.

Overall, the process involves three main stages, commencing with collecting water, followed by further processing, and ending with distribution of drinking water to households. It is also worth mentioning that the process is a complex one, which requires special use of equipment and much time to complete.

The procedure begins with collecting rainwater by drains located on the rooftops of houses. Following this, the collected water is distributed to filtering systems through pipes, after which the water undergoes filtration. Having been filtered, the water is sent to a storage before it is treated with chemicals.

At the treatment stage, different chemicals are added to the water so that it can kill microbes and bacteria in order to protect human health from infections. Subsequently, the treated water is delivered into the houses for the purpose of drinking it.



The diagram below shows how rainwater is collected for the use of drinking water in an Australian town.

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