
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

____𝕯𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 ___
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Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

hammani kechasi qizchasi bilan gaplashib chiqadigan xonadoshi bo'sa kerak

Baldur’s Gate 3

good game

Suhrob dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
my first shorts when I studied the whole day and finally found free time to relax and watch shorts😐

⚡️ Anime & Manga ⚡️ dan repost
Demon Slayer Infinity Castle Movie: Official Domestic Release Date Announcement Scheduled for March 1 at 7 PM.

🛡 Powered by V3V Ventures

Today has been an amazing day! Full of positivity, great moments, and good vibes.

Поднятие уровня в одиночку 1-2 сезон dan repost
Вы не готовы к следующей серии 🖲

Инсайдер Хромафаер посмотрел серию и называл её одной из лучших работ аниматора Йошихиро Канно! Именно этот человек ответственен за бой с Игрисом, а также за одни из лучших боев в аниме-индустрии в принципе.

Бой обещают расширить, сделав его очень тяжелым для Джин-Ву. Длина составит 7 минут 20 секунд, как и бой с Каргалганом. Для сравнения, бой с Игрисом занял 3 минуты 10 секунд.

Xurmo dan repost
Hurmatli do'stlar!
Bugun Xurmo kanalida PREMYERA:

Tolibon Tarixi. Afg‘onistonda Toliblar Qanday Paydo Bo‘ldi?

Tolibon - dunyodagi nomi chiqqan terrorchi guruhlardan biri. Toliblarning Afg‘onistondagi g‘alabasi haqidagi xabarlar va uning atrofidagi axborot shovqini anchadan beri tinmayapti. Ammo biz bu radikal afg‘on islomchilari haqida nima bilamiz, ular qachon va nima uchun paydo bo‘lgan? Bugun biz Sovet Ittifoqi mashhur Afg‘on urushida qatnashgan Sovuq urushdagi rolidan boshlab Afg‘onistonning eng yangi tarixiga sho‘ng‘iymiz va Tolibonning kelib chiqish tarixini tushunishga harakat qilamiz. Choy damlang, bugun bizda mavzu o‘ta murakkab: terrorchilar va diplomatik peripetiyalar, mujohidlar va resurslar savdosi, Afg‘oniston va qo‘shni davlatlar. Redrum jamoasi sizga yoqimli tomosha tilaydi.

Videoga havola:

when the exam is so hard even ChatGPT starts cheating💀

Suhrob dan repost

Solo Leveling is Now the 3rd Highest Rated Anime on Crunchyroll, Beating Jujutsu Kaisen!

tolib kanalga bunaqa narsala tashamaganing maqul

Solo Leveling S2 broke its own record by achieving 100K likes in just 7 hours 13 mins !

- It is now the fastest anime episode on the Crunchyroll app to reach 100K likes.

- Previously, the record was held by Solo Leveling S2 Episode 1 in just 11 hrs.

Sometimes you just have to play the role of fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you

Error 4:04
Sleep not found

Zakha's blog dan repost
Was a great day


to store your whole life

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.