❇️ Daily Expressions-- Alohida iboralar
🔹 What time is it?-- Soat necha bo'ldi?
🔹 It's 3 o'clock-- Soat 3
🔹 Give me this--! Buni menga bering
🔹 Are you sure? --Aminmisiz?
🔹 Take this! (when giving something)-- Oling!
🔹 It's freezing (weather)-- Juda sovuq
🔹 It's cold (weather)—Sovuq
🔹 It's hot (weather)—Issiq
🔹 Do you like it?-- Senga Yoqadimi?
🔹 I really like it!-- Menga yoqadi!
🔹 I'm hungry-- Qornim och
🔹 I'm thirsty—Chanqadim
🔹 He is funny--- U kulguli
🔹 In The Morning—Ertalab
🔹 In the evening –Kechqurun
🔹 At Night –Tunda
🔹 Hurry up! --Tez bo'l
🔹 Cuss Words (polite) This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness) --Bu axmoqlik
🔹 My God! (to show amazement)-- Ey, Xudo!
🔹 Oh gosh (when making a mistake) Jin ursin It sucks! (or: this is not good)-- Dahshat!
🔹 What's wrong with you?-- Senga nima bo'ldi?
🔹 Are you crazy?-- Jinnimisan?
🔹 Get lost! (or: go away!)-- Yo'qol!
🔹 Leave me alone!-- Meni tinch qo'y!
🔹 I'm not interested!--- Menga buni qizig'I yo'q
🔹 Writing a Letter Dear John-- Hurmatli Jon
🔹 My trip was very nice-- Safarim yaxshi o'tdi
🔹 The culture and people were very interesting-- Bu yerning madaniyati va odamlari qiziqarli edi
🔹 I had a good time with you-- Sen bilan vaqtimni yaxshi o'tkazdim
🔹 I would love to visit your country again-- Mamlakatingizga mamnuniyat bilan yana kelaman
🔹 Don't forget to write me back from time to time ---Vaqti-vaqti bilan menga yozishni unutma
🔹 What time is it?-- Soat necha bo'ldi?
🔹 It's 3 o'clock-- Soat 3
🔹 Give me this--! Buni menga bering
🔹 Are you sure? --Aminmisiz?
🔹 Take this! (when giving something)-- Oling!
🔹 It's freezing (weather)-- Juda sovuq
🔹 It's cold (weather)—Sovuq
🔹 It's hot (weather)—Issiq
🔹 Do you like it?-- Senga Yoqadimi?
🔹 I really like it!-- Menga yoqadi!
🔹 I'm hungry-- Qornim och
🔹 I'm thirsty—Chanqadim
🔹 He is funny--- U kulguli
🔹 In The Morning—Ertalab
🔹 In the evening –Kechqurun
🔹 At Night –Tunda
🔹 Hurry up! --Tez bo'l
🔹 Cuss Words (polite) This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness) --Bu axmoqlik
🔹 My God! (to show amazement)-- Ey, Xudo!
🔹 Oh gosh (when making a mistake) Jin ursin It sucks! (or: this is not good)-- Dahshat!
🔹 What's wrong with you?-- Senga nima bo'ldi?
🔹 Are you crazy?-- Jinnimisan?
🔹 Get lost! (or: go away!)-- Yo'qol!
🔹 Leave me alone!-- Meni tinch qo'y!
🔹 I'm not interested!--- Menga buni qizig'I yo'q
🔹 Writing a Letter Dear John-- Hurmatli Jon
🔹 My trip was very nice-- Safarim yaxshi o'tdi
🔹 The culture and people were very interesting-- Bu yerning madaniyati va odamlari qiziqarli edi
🔹 I had a good time with you-- Sen bilan vaqtimni yaxshi o'tkazdim
🔹 I would love to visit your country again-- Mamlakatingizga mamnuniyat bilan yana kelaman
🔹 Don't forget to write me back from time to time ---Vaqti-vaqti bilan menga yozishni unutma