HBD to the strongest, kindest, smartest and the prettiest girl i know😁🎀
This year, I have grown a lot, learned and achieved a lot:
- Got to travel abroad again because of my knowledge.
- Obtained Engineering degree with Honors
- Had interview with Sheikh’s daughter.
- Met new people, mentors, made new friends.(YPIP one love✨)
- Was offered a lot of jobs, had the privilege to choose .
- started working my favourite job.
- launched my first course.
- getting offered crazy new opportunities.
- learned to love myself for others.
Allohdan so’ragan narsam amalga oshaverishi ham xursand qiladi(maybe I’m God’s favourite🥹) ham qo’rqitadi(ilohim faqat bu dunyosi berilgan bandalardan bo’lib qolmay deb).
Hammamizga kitobimizni o’ng tarafdan olish nasib qilsin🤲
This year, I have grown a lot, learned and achieved a lot:
- Got to travel abroad again because of my knowledge.
- Obtained Engineering degree with Honors
- Had interview with Sheikh’s daughter.
- Met new people, mentors, made new friends.(YPIP one love✨)
- Was offered a lot of jobs, had the privilege to choose .
- started working my favourite job.
- launched my first course.
- getting offered crazy new opportunities.
- learned to love myself for others.
Allohdan so’ragan narsam amalga oshaverishi ham xursand qiladi(maybe I’m God’s favourite🥹) ham qo’rqitadi(ilohim faqat bu dunyosi berilgan bandalardan bo’lib qolmay deb).
Hammamizga kitobimizni o’ng tarafdan olish nasib qilsin🤲