Assalom aleykum hammaga yurtdoshimiz Ravshan Juraqulov omonatini topshirdi bugun track avto halokatida. South Mission Road and West Holladay Road, West Drexel Road I-10 yòlida yaqinida sodir bolgan avto halohatda Ravshanning jasadi hozirda morkda saqlanmoqda. Uning oilasi hozir og'ir kunlarni boshidan kechirmoqda, iltimos, jasadini O'zbekistonga olib borishga yordam berishingizni so’rab qolardik. Hamma imkonyatidan kelib chiqib albatta raxmat
Zelle +15134737002 Abbos Eshkuvvatov
Hello everyone,
Our fellow countryman Ravshan Juraqulov has sadly passed away in a tragic accident involving a truck. The accident took place near South Mission Road and West Holladay Road, close to West Drexel Road and I-10. Ravshan’s body is currently being held at the morgue. His family is going through a difficult time, and we humbly request your assistance in bringing his body back to Uzbekistan. Any contribution, no matter the amount, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Zelle ;+15134737002 Abbos Eshkuvvatov
Zelle +15134737002 Abbos Eshkuvvatov
Hello everyone,
Our fellow countryman Ravshan Juraqulov has sadly passed away in a tragic accident involving a truck. The accident took place near South Mission Road and West Holladay Road, close to West Drexel Road and I-10. Ravshan’s body is currently being held at the morgue. His family is going through a difficult time, and we humbly request your assistance in bringing his body back to Uzbekistan. Any contribution, no matter the amount, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Zelle ;+15134737002 Abbos Eshkuvvatov