Postlar filtri

Patience is sour, but its fruit is sweet.

“a person born in a garden would never know the value of flowers”

Is it just me, or does Ramadan keep getting better every year while Eid doesn't feel as exciting anymore?

As kids we thought we needed Eid but when we got older, we realised it was Ramadan that we really need, each and every time…

it's all about who
stands in the rain with you when they also have a choice to be dry.


Faqatgina oshqozonimiz ro’zador bo’lmasin

Qo’l oyog’imiz -zulumdan ro’za tutsin !

(Bo’lmasam Ramazondan topganimiz faqat ochlik bo’ladi)

be cringe, be funny, be cool, be yourself, and let no one ruin your fun. do your thing, ignore the world, and remember life's too short to be boring.

they tell you rizq is what's written for you, the food on your table, the roof above your head, the wealth in your hands. but no one talks about love being the rarest form of rizq. because you can have a home but never feel at home, you can sleep besides someone but still feel alone, you can be chosen but never cherished. you can share a life but never share a heart, you can be given a person while not having the feeling that the person is yours. not everyone who is married has love. not everyone who is loved gets to keep it. love is something you can force or beg for. it is given, or not. be grateful for what you get.

Maturing is realising that Ramadan is always near when you're at your lowest point in life.

Strong enough to break bones, and weak enough to be heartbroken by words…

Qiz boladan nima kitob o’qiyotganini so’rang.
Qo’lini so’rash qochib ketmaydi.

When Allah is all you have, you'll realize that He is all you need.

Before Ramadan, forgive everyone who has wronged you so that you can enter the blessed month with a pure heart.

Your unanswered prayers
are actually answers.

Carrying the world isn't as heavy as
carrying your world…

Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu'ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.

Haram is like a credit card
Enjoy now, pay later…

Some souls have to set like the sun,
for others to find their light like the moon.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.