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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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bravery is not having no fear, bravery having fear and doing it anyway.

Everyone sucks

4 kun ko'chaga chiqmagandim, sotsiafob bo'lib qolibman.

Not a Blog dan repost
Jonim, uyg'on, yomg'ir yog'yapti.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

That's not easy. Look seriously. Fvcking look seriously.

Ko'rilishi shart bo'lgan qisqa-kino.
Agar pul sani o'zgartira olsa, demak sen u pulga tayyor emassan!

Newer is not always better.

Just let me adore you

Get up from bed at 8 am. Gazing to ceiling and start drowning to island of my head.
"One to one. Myself to myself. Nobody helps. Relentless pain. Tears of grief. Giving up thoughs. Dizziness. " What if? " thoughts. Money is power, power is money. So, they lied us by saying "money doesn't matter". Btw, what do I eat for today. Whatever , who cares? People even don't know the meaning of living. Uhm, do I? Probably. Idc. Today is hard. Tomorrow too. But one day... No, probably never gets easier. Idk. Idc. Idgaf. Wanna die rn. Im feeling that tears are running down. Am I weak God? Am I blasted? Tryna hide emotions but as much as i try, so much gets stronger. Pillow and mouth. I say thousand times im okay but am i? You never know..."

Late 90's was one of the golden age of humanity

Toshkentda havo

OF girls are kinda my type rn lmfao

I need some nigga black rap, european, American mindset frens. If is there, lemmi know in comments. You are most welcome.

Uzbeklashib boryapman va manga bu umuman yoqmayapti.

Aslida juda ma'noli lyrics. Shunchaki uzbeklarda to'ybop qilob qo'shiq aytmasa, bozori yurimaydi. Minusini pianinoda minor yoki major notasiga qo'yib qayta yozish kerak.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.