Samandar Qosimov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

Business and Finance at New York University
your homie on a grind
About: Finance, Management, Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Startups, Eco-system, Business and personal life

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

sometimes it's all about networking

your net worth is your network

US and China literally strive to get Russia on their side

Китайская угроза dan repost
Пошел шквал сообщений от китайских чиновников, как сильно они любят русских братушек. Вклад Трампа в укрепление дружбы между Китаем и Россией уже превзошел все усилия Байдена.

В Пекине опубликован доклад "Китайско-Российские отношения в новую эпоху"

Развитие китайско-российских отношений имеет неизбежную историческую логику и мощную внутреннюю движущую силу, говорится в докладе "Китайско-Российские отношения в новую эпоху", опубликованном в Пекине.

В нем говорится, что в настоящее время китайско-российские отношения, которые развивались на основе равенства, взаимного уважения и взаимовыгодного сотрудничества, переживают лучшие времена за всю историю и стали примером отношений между мировыми державами и соседними странами.

Помощник министра иностранных дел КНР Лю Бинь отметил, что китайско-российские отношения находятся на новой исторической отправной точке и перед ними открываются новые исторические возможности и еще более блестящие перспективы развития.

🇨🇳 Китайская Угроза

Denis Kalyshkin dan repost
Y Combinator, the leading accelerator, is now accepting applications for its Spring batch starting in April 2025. The application deadline is February 11.

For more details and to apply, visit:

They are seeking startups in the following categories:

- New Space Companies
- Government software
- Public safety technologies
- Manufacture in the US
- Stablecoins 2.0
- LLMs for chip design
- Fintech 2.0
- AI-aided engineering tools
- One million jobs 2.0

You can find a detailed description of each category here:

Beshtor dan repost
💰 Yangi venchur fondi tashkil etilmoqda

Nomi — United Ventures.

Ta’sischilari O‘zbekistonning yettita banki: O‘zmilliybank, Xalq Banki, Asaka Bank, Agrobank, Mikrokreditbank, Turonbank va Biznesni Rivojlantirish Banki.

Ularning har biri yangi kompaniyaning 14,28 foiziga egalik qildi.

United Ventures’ning ustav kapitali — 525 milliard so‘m. Rahbar etib "Sug‘urta Bozor" hammuassisi Azizbek Qurbonov ko’rsatilgan.

Boshqa hech qanday ma’lumot yo‘q, chunki jamg‘arma kechagina ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazildi.

Ammo yaqin orada yana bir investitsiya manbai paydo bo‘lishi aniq.

Bundan chiqadigan xulosa o‘sha-o‘sha — hozir O‘zbekistonda startapni ishga tushirish uchun eng zo’r vaqt.

Bozor ham, istiqbollar ham, sarmoya kiritishga tayyorlar ham paydo bo‘ldi.




big insight for startup founders

great news are coming soon, there will be more VCs in Uzbekistan with huge amount of capital to invest.

just make sure your product does worth the investment and don't think about the raising at the beginning. just work on your product, work, work, work...

the result will reflect your product

I hope my supervisor is Barca fan

Imagine writing in the skills section that you are cold-blooded

and yes I did

I updated my LinkedIn a little bit, but still has some work to do.

you can check it here:

it's an extremely cruel world out there, be careful and prepared.

just do your best to improve you networking, have outstanding communication skills.

everytime, practical skills have bigger value than you think

p.s just some insights from the 1st day of internship at one of the leading banks in Uzbekistan


204 0 1 13 14

Grindway dan repost
Welcome! 🎉

This is a place where you can get answers to your questions about the admission process. With the deadlines for applications ⏳ coming close, we are going to provide you with application tips – most essentially, those skills one would require to do excellently in his or her essays ✍️. While we are not about to delve into the very details of the entire application process right from its beginning, we will take a closer look at what matters in effective essay writing 📚.

Our brother Samandar Kosimov, a sophomore student at New York University🗽majoring in Finance, used to be a school counselor where he helped students with applications, plus many more outside of school. Now, we are here to help YOU as you navigate the challenging but rewarding journey of applying to top universities abroad 🌍.

If you already have questions about the application process or with any part of your application, please let us know in the comment section below 📝. We will continue to answer your inquiries and extend support at every step that you require 💬.


Searching for meaning

Last semester, I took a class, Writing as Inquiry.

The very big insight I got was to question and critique everything I do.

What is the meaning behind your words, actions?

Why are you willing to do what you pursue?

Why do you want to go TOP college?

Why begin a startup?

Why Finance?

Then, I started to look for meaning and true desire of mine in every next action.

Different perspectives, different goals, different view for life.

Critique what you do, questions every time, do not follow the crowd

Be your biggest critic

your homie on a grind

Until November 21st, you can access a bunch range of courses completely free and even get certificates upon completion!

The courses have a great structure and cover various topics—perfect for boosting your skills or exploring something new. While some are light, overall, the content is well-designed and genuinely useful.

I’ve enjoyed the experience, and I think you will too!

just go for it


upgrading my perfume:

Now I have:
Tom Ford "Ombre Leather"
Tom Ford "Ebene Fume"
Marc Antoine Barrois "Encelade"
Baccarat "Rouge 540"
Bvlgari "Le Gemme Yasep"

want to add:
Tom Ford "Oud Wood"
Tom Ford "Black Orchid"
Giorgio Armani "Stronger With You" Intensely
JPG "le male" le perfume
Yves Saint Laurent
Louis Vuitton "Imagination"
Dior "Homme" Intense

These are the ones on the wishlist.

Any more suggestions?

Btw, rate my choices out of 10 in the comments

the class average of the midterm for Introduction to Programming class is 65ish out of 100, meaning it is almost an F.

and you know that the class is cooked, but what do you call it when your grade is almost twice less than average midterm grade?!

Loyalty is a two-way street. If I'm asking for it from you, they you're getting it from me.

- Harvey Specter

Close future

One of the biggest takeaways from my Operations Management class is that ability to foresee any process in the close future.

This ability make person to use it whenever it is needed and will help the person to stand out at some point.

For example, there event was going on, and now time for lunch. Everyone was picking their desired foods and drinks.

There was a student in the line, with the last bottle of water around in his hands, and very well-known person before him.

Famous person took some cookies and at the time when he was going to find some drinks, the student saw the opportunity to impress that person and passed the water.

Of course, famous person thanked him and, student got acquainted with the that person.

The moral of story is that to see such opportunities everywhere, they are literally everywhere.

Sometimes, we do not even know about the missed opportunities.

But who knows maybe the student will do some research with that well known person or work with him.

So, as my mentor Umidjon Ishmukhamedov says: "Farosat - yaqin kelajakni oldindan ko'ra bilish", this case was kind of example for the quote.

your homie on a grind

Every second you waste - is another second your parents have to work for...

Just remember this quote when you scroll one more reels, when you do some shit stuff with your friends or waste your time without doing some real work

Today, I read this quote and it really hit me too deep. I am not saying that I don't waste my time. but still I have to do something with my laziness and wasting time

Some recent news

Firstly, I have finished my classes for this month, and now have a one-week break before midterms begin.

For this semester, I took courses such as Microeconomics, Operations Management, China Encounters the World (IPC), and Introduction to Computer Programming (ICP), two major courses, one core, and one minor.

Microeconomics and ICP require more effort and time, so I’ll dedicate my break to revising the material covered in previous lectures.

Secondly, I started to like photo and video shooting. I am willing to take some courses or watch some tutorials on YouTube and decide whether it's gonna be my next hobby or not.

By the way, I’ll be deleting my private channel soon (I’ll explain the reason in upcoming posts), and I’ve created the new one.

Feel free to join!

your homie on a grind

seems like old enough, but knowing nothing

In 18 years, I have experienced numerous things, met bunch of people, was in different situations and still moving forward.

I hope this one would be the most successful compared to previous ones, and the next ones will be more and more successful.

so, a year closer to death

"Only about five percent of Fortune 500 CEOs were promoted directly from the role of CFO - more than half were appointed from the role of COO or Presidents"

Sanders 2011

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.