🗣Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti va O‘zbekiston Badiiy Akademiyasi hamkorligida yoshlar o‘rtasida milliy va umuminsoniliylik qadriyatlarni shakllantirish, yoshlar o‘rtasida o‘zbek xalqining boy madaniy me‘rosini asrab avaylashni targ‘ib qilish maqsadida o‘tkazilayotgan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida "Amaliy san'at namunalari", "Milliy liboslar podiumi" ko‘rgazmasi hamda Milliy navolardan iborat madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.
🔹Tadbir O‘zbekiston davlat Filarmoniyasi G‘anijon Toshmatov nomidagi Dutorchilar ansambli ijrosidagi go‘zal kuy-qo‘shiqlar bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan Dizayn maktabi ijodkor yoshlari tomonidan "Osiyo milliy liboslar ko‘rgazmasi" namoyishi o‘tkazildi.
Madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir universitetda tashkil etilgan Musiqa klubi a'zosi, 1-bosqich talabasi Shosaidov Javohir ijrosidagi milliy mumtoz ashula bilan yakunlandi.
As part of the "National Values Week", organized in collaboration between Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Art of Academy of Uzbekistan, a cultural-educational event was held featuring exhibitions of "Samples of Applied Arts" and "National Costume Runway", as well as performances of traditional melodies.
🔺The event began with beautiful musical performances by the instrumentalists and vocalists of the Ganijon Toshmatov Ensemble of Dutar Players from the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan. This was followed by a showcase of nearly twenty national costumes created by talented youth from the Republican Specialized Art School, presented in the "Asian National Costume Exhibition".
🔹The event began with beautiful melodies and songs performed by the "Dutorchilar" ensemble named after Ganijon Toshmatov. During the event, the "Asian National Costume Exhibition" was presented, showcasing works by the creative youth of the Republican Specialized Art School.
The cultural-educational event concluded with a performance of a classical Uzbek song by Javohir Shosaidov, a first-year student and member of the University's Music Club.
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🔹Tadbir O‘zbekiston davlat Filarmoniyasi G‘anijon Toshmatov nomidagi Dutorchilar ansambli ijrosidagi go‘zal kuy-qo‘shiqlar bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan Dizayn maktabi ijodkor yoshlari tomonidan "Osiyo milliy liboslar ko‘rgazmasi" namoyishi o‘tkazildi.
Madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir universitetda tashkil etilgan Musiqa klubi a'zosi, 1-bosqich talabasi Shosaidov Javohir ijrosidagi milliy mumtoz ashula bilan yakunlandi.
As part of the "National Values Week", organized in collaboration between Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Art of Academy of Uzbekistan, a cultural-educational event was held featuring exhibitions of "Samples of Applied Arts" and "National Costume Runway", as well as performances of traditional melodies.
🔺The event began with beautiful musical performances by the instrumentalists and vocalists of the Ganijon Toshmatov Ensemble of Dutar Players from the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan. This was followed by a showcase of nearly twenty national costumes created by talented youth from the Republican Specialized Art School, presented in the "Asian National Costume Exhibition".
🔹The event began with beautiful melodies and songs performed by the "Dutorchilar" ensemble named after Ganijon Toshmatov. During the event, the "Asian National Costume Exhibition" was presented, showcasing works by the creative youth of the Republican Specialized Art School.
The cultural-educational event concluded with a performance of a classical Uzbek song by Javohir Shosaidov, a first-year student and member of the University's Music Club.
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