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Telegram'da ko‘rish
U look at the window and see this✨

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#n2u34b6 promokodini kiritgan holda Mutolaa Premiumga obuna boʻling va 10% chegirmani qoʻlga kiriting.

Mutolaa Premium - 50 dan ortiq bestsellerlar hamda kitobxonlar uchun qoʻshimcha imkoniyatlar.

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Mutolaa ilovasini quyidagi havola orqali yuklab olishingiz mumkin:

From my latest realizations, misery and despair make people nauseous. Or well… it makes me nauseous in a way that I want to throw up the whole world. That very unpleasant feeling on the tip your tongue and in the deep of your mind. All the Uzbek literature I read is about despair. Recently started “Crime and Punishment” and cant get well with my disgust. Not that I am disgusted at desperate people. Its just something about despair itself. It sets limits you have no control over. I dont like reading sad books anymore I dont know why. Ugh damn it it’s been a freaking year since I stared a book and just couldn’t take the cruelty in it. Couldn’t take her despair. As if I stop reading it the world becomes a better place. Books need to have a good ending for me. I live with it, live with the characters. Cant take it when they die. Cant take it when they are hopeless. I am writing like a miserable person too. Its the book u guys he better pull himself together and do something, which he is spending every bit of his energy for but he cant. He is desperate. Damn it I just hate 1800s. Its like every single person on earth massively suffered from poorness. Makes me sick. I am sick. Or just need to sleep…

But too jealous to post my private life and too considered to post about other topics.

Every day

I wanna post something

What a life)

Sometimes awareness of non muslims just shocks me that they are more considered than muslims about their duties.

I interpreted the case:

Doctor comes up to a female muslim patient who needs blood thinners and explains that majority of blood thinners contain a protein that's very similar to that of pork though it's not directly collected from it. Then when she asks if there different options (actually agreeing to take the meds because she needs) doctor says there are options and that she had research and check if available in US and come back with updates. That is so so sooo considered and respectful of them for the beliefs of different religion members.

Also this is the only case I witnessed. How they care about halal food, how they try to provide with female or male providers if needed as much as they can.

I feel too emotional sometimes

She asked what would I do for her, I said I would kill. I would kill for her.
And I asked what would she do for me, she said she would live for me. She would live for me. This is so us!

Did u guys know white flour has zero nutritional value?

1st class at 14:40
Me at 14:39🍜

Aziz Rahimov dan repost
Qisqa video ko’raveradi, uzunlariga sabr yetmay qoladi.

Uzun videoga yetmagan sabr, matnga ham yetmaydi.

Matn o’qimagan, kitob o’qimaydi.

Uzun video va kitoblarsiz ilm olinmaydi.

Ilm olmasa, hayotida muammolar to’xtamaydi.

Muammolardan qochish uchun yana qisqa videolar ko’radi…

#love is definitely eating as much as strawberries you want knowing what's gonna happen next...

Always deliver the best version of yourself: workout, eat good and clean your room. Take care of your mind, body and soul. Inner love translates to outer love, it radiates.
Your are that b*tch!
You is that b*tch!
So be that b*tch!


Sometimes fear won't just go away, so you have to do it scared.

who does that? No really, who goes to bed, gets inspired by the make up challenge videos on utube and tries them till 1am? Of course me! Now I get tiktokers who make challenges and dye to try them on very well. it's fine, honey) it's called passion, Well at least I call it passion 😉 
accepting challenges gets you out of your comfort zone and this makes you perceptive and open! Do you have obsessions? Go for them!



7 yoshli jiyanim bilan suhbat:
- Mubina sen kimni qizisan, dadanglarnimi yo ayanglarnimi?
- Dadamlarnidaa🥰
- iye nimaga?
- Axir familiyamdayam dadamni ismlari borkuuu🙄


The reason rats always are nasty and never become anything else (cats for example) is because they fed on nasty leftovers!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.