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🔗Bugungi qahramon – O‘zbek startapi BITO!
Yangi innovatsiyalar, katta maqsadlar va kelajak sari dadil qadam!
BITO – bu shunchaki startap emas, balki yaxshi o'zgarishlarga sabab bo'luvchi ekotizimdir.
👉 Maqolani saytimizda o‘qing
Startup websayti:
🔗Today’s hero – the Uzbek startup BITO!
New innovations, bold ambitions, and a confident step into the future!
BITO is not just a startup—it’s a movement for change!
👉Read the full article on our website
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Yangi innovatsiyalar, katta maqsadlar va kelajak sari dadil qadam!
BITO – bu shunchaki startap emas, balki yaxshi o'zgarishlarga sabab bo'luvchi ekotizimdir.
👉 Maqolani saytimizda o‘qing
Startup websayti:
🔗Today’s hero – the Uzbek startup BITO!
New innovations, bold ambitions, and a confident step into the future!
BITO is not just a startup—it’s a movement for change!
👉Read the full article on our website
Instagram | LinkedIn | X (Twitter) | Facebook | YouTube