Uzum Team ma’ruzalari: Korporativ madaniyat bo‘yicha tajribalar
5-fevral, soat 19:00 da Uzum Team oʻz maʼruza seriyasini boshlaydi. Dastlab Uzum Fintech HR direktori Alena Seneva "Korparativ madaniyat biznes muvaffaqiyatining dvigateli sifatida: real vositami yoki mifmi?" mavzusida ma'ruza qiladi
👉Ro'yxatdan o'tish
Tadbir tafsilotlari:
📅Sana: 2025-yil 5-fevral
🎤Format: Oflayn
Uzum Team Lectures: Corporate Culture Experiences
On February 5, at 7:00 PM, Uzum Team will begin its lecture series. First, Alena Seneva, HR Director of Uzum Fintech, will give a lecture on the topic "Corporate culture as an engine of business success: a real tool or a myth?"
Key Event Details:
📅 Date: 2025-yil 5-fevral
🎤 Format: Offline
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5-fevral, soat 19:00 da Uzum Team oʻz maʼruza seriyasini boshlaydi. Dastlab Uzum Fintech HR direktori Alena Seneva "Korparativ madaniyat biznes muvaffaqiyatining dvigateli sifatida: real vositami yoki mifmi?" mavzusida ma'ruza qiladi
👉Ro'yxatdan o'tish
Tadbir tafsilotlari:
📅Sana: 2025-yil 5-fevral
🎤Format: Oflayn
Uzum Team Lectures: Corporate Culture Experiences
On February 5, at 7:00 PM, Uzum Team will begin its lecture series. First, Alena Seneva, HR Director of Uzum Fintech, will give a lecture on the topic "Corporate culture as an engine of business success: a real tool or a myth?"
Key Event Details:
📅 Date: 2025-yil 5-fevral
🎤 Format: Offline
Instagram | LinkedIn | X (Twitter) | Facebook | YouTube