Sticky Programs/Fellowships/Conferences/Workshops😊

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Join us and apply for fully funded programs, workshops and travel grants. Text me if needed: @curly_why

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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UNICEF Uzbekistan dan repost
UNICEF har xil turdagi nogironligi bo‘lgan yoshlardan iborat yoshlar maslahat guruhi uchun nomzodlar izlamoqda.

▪️ Yoshi: 15- 30 yosh.

📍 Yashash joyi: Toshkent shahri.


▫️ Maktablarda nogironligi bo‘lgan o‘quvchilar uchun inklyuziv ta’lim maktablarida sharoit yaratish bo‘yicha maslahatlar berish,

▫️ Yordamchi texnologiyalarni inklyuziv ta’lim turida o‘qitiladigan maktablarda foydalanish uchun maslahatlar berish,

▫️ Boshqa inklyuziv ta’lim, nogironligi bo‘lgan yoshlarni ish bilan ta’minlashga aloqador loyihalarda ishtirok etish.

Talablar: mas’uliyatli bo‘lish, qo‘yilgan vazifani vaqtida bajarish, maslahat va uchrashuvlarda faol ishtirok etish.

👇🏻 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun Google formani to‘ldiring. Arizalar 23-fevral soat 23:59 gacha qabul qilinadi.

🚨 Hiring a Pre-Doctoral Research Associate in Quantitative Marketing! 🚨

Professor George (Zhida) Gui and I are looking for a full-time predoc to join our research team in the Marketing Division at Columbia Business School. This is a great opportunity for candidates interested in academic research at the intersection of marketing, machine learning, and AI—especially those looking to apply these tools to unstructured data like movie trailer videos and story text.

💡 Who should apply?
✔️ Candidates with a background in Data Science, Statistics, Computational Social Science, Computer Science, or Marketing
✔️ Experience with natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and large language models
✔️ Proficiency in Python and working with APIs & unstructured data
✔️ Interest in pursuing a PhD in marketing or a related field

🗓️ Position details:
📍 One-year position (renewable for a second year)
📆 Preferred start date: July 1, 2025 (flexible)
📌 Applications reviewed on a rolling basis; priority deadline: March 15

If you (or someone you know) is interested, apply here 👉

Хэштег#QuantMarketing Хэштег#MachineLearning Хэштег#AI Хэштег#AcademicResearch Хэштег#PreDoc Хэштег#Hiring Хэштег#MarketingAnalytics

I don’t count how many times I received rejection emails. But this colleague counts each letter. Should we really give up after continues rejection letters? I think NO! Successful people never give up. Each failure matters. After Master’s Degree info I will write about my fav type of applications. Abstracts for workshops and conferences. Stay tuned! And never give up!


Z. Khayat

Thank you for your votes! I will share full master’s degree scholarships post soon.

Feeling not so well these days. Health related issues.

📣 Postdoc opportunity in border studies

Tallinn University is looking for postdoctoral researchers eager to push the boundaries of border studies, migration, political geography, and more! Through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF) 2025, successful candidates will receive funding for 12-24 months of research, expert mentorship, and a fully funded grant-writing training in Tallinn.

If your research explores borders, mobility, sovereignty, or spatial politics, this could be your next big step.

📅 Deadline: March 31, 2025
🔗 Learn more:

#EurAsianBorderLab #BorderStudies #Postdoc #Migration #Geopolitics #MSCA2025

Do you want to know about fully funded Mater’s programs? Please, vote.
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  •   No 🤔
  •   I don’t mind ☺️
5 ta ovoz

Open Call : TIRIS - Junior fellowship Programme

📢 The Junior Fellowship Programme of the Toulouse Initiative for Research's Impact on Society (TIRIS) is open.
It aims at :
🎯 Understanding and fostering living in good health and well-being,
🎯Understanding global changes and their impact on societies.
🎯Accelerating sustainable transitions: mobility, energy, resources & industrial change.

The net salary is at least 3000 euros per month depending on experience. An annual budget of max. 15 k€ for professional travel and laboratory running costs may be requested if justified.

⚠️ Application deadline: March 3, 2025 at noon
• Announcement of results: July 2025
• Earliest project start date: earliest possible date is October 1, 2025 and latest possible date is September 30, 2026

Dear all,

I hope everyone is doing well.

My blog post is expected to be published soon here. If you want to publish your blog post, you have an interesting story to tell the world please contact with GLOBAL SOUTHS HUB admins. They will help you to be heard.

I will share my work ASAP.


Z. Khayat

🚀 Call for Trainers!
We’re seeking experienced trainers to lead engaging workshops on Supporting ESL Learners with Learning Difficulties/Disabilities. Help make language learning accessible for all!
📩 See the post below for more details!
Хэштег#ESL Хэштег#InclusiveEducation Хэштег#TeacherTraining Хэштег#LearningSupport

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.