My Inspiration from Franz Kafka
He woke up late this morning. He focused his eyes as sharply as possible on the window, but the prospect of the morning fog, which muffled even the apartment building in front, brought him little comfort. He rushed to leave his untidy home as soon as possible. Under the overcast sky, he was desperately running through the street to the station. He was getting late for the train at 8:15 a.m. He glanced at his silver handwatch and noticed the minute hand just past a quarter to 8 a.m. He ceased, shut his eyes, and cried, “Oh God,” since he had forgotten his umbrella at home. It suddenly started to pour with rain. Raindrops beating on his head made a cold shiver run through him. All of his morning delusions had already fallen away. He didn’t want to give her a hug with his wet coat when he met her, but he was already pressed for time to go back home and get an umbrella. At length, he barely reached the station before the train had just set off. Inside, he sat on a compact seat quietly reading The Washington Post newspaper he had purchased yesterday for $4 from 7-Eleven. From time to time, he looked through railway timetables hung above the table to make sure he would meet her on time. Though early misfortunes had already absorbed most of his energy, he felt great amusement reminiscing about last year’s night walks with her. They had spent five to six evenings together. She enjoyed telling stories she had read from books on a bookshelf in a small coffee shop where she worked. Meanwhile, he enjoyed looking into her eyes and seeing the reflection of the full moon within them in the middle of an arch bridge. For a moment, he recalled tearing his house door open. He couldn’t remember the sound of its closing again. He started to worry since only in houses where some great misfortune had happened would one leave the home door wide open. He still exhaled a deep breath, hoped it was mere happenstance, and dived into his sweet thoughts of her beautiful smile, wide eyes, and red lips again.
My Inspiration from Franz Kafka
He woke up late this morning. He focused his eyes as sharply as possible on the window, but the prospect of the morning fog, which muffled even the apartment building in front, brought him little comfort. He rushed to leave his untidy home as soon as possible. Under the overcast sky, he was desperately running through the street to the station. He was getting late for the train at 8:15 a.m. He glanced at his silver handwatch and noticed the minute hand just past a quarter to 8 a.m. He ceased, shut his eyes, and cried, “Oh God,” since he had forgotten his umbrella at home. It suddenly started to pour with rain. Raindrops beating on his head made a cold shiver run through him. All of his morning delusions had already fallen away. He didn’t want to give her a hug with his wet coat when he met her, but he was already pressed for time to go back home and get an umbrella. At length, he barely reached the station before the train had just set off. Inside, he sat on a compact seat quietly reading The Washington Post newspaper he had purchased yesterday for $4 from 7-Eleven. From time to time, he looked through railway timetables hung above the table to make sure he would meet her on time. Though early misfortunes had already absorbed most of his energy, he felt great amusement reminiscing about last year’s night walks with her. They had spent five to six evenings together. She enjoyed telling stories she had read from books on a bookshelf in a small coffee shop where she worked. Meanwhile, he enjoyed looking into her eyes and seeing the reflection of the full moon within them in the middle of an arch bridge. For a moment, he recalled tearing his house door open. He couldn’t remember the sound of its closing again. He started to worry since only in houses where some great misfortune had happened would one leave the home door wide open. He still exhaled a deep breath, hoped it was mere happenstance, and dived into his sweet thoughts of her beautiful smile, wide eyes, and red lips again.