Ingliz Tili | Noldan

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Ingliz tilini noldan o'qituvchisiz, mustaqil, o'zingiz uchun qulay bo'lgan vaqtda va joyda o'rganing!
Murojaat uchun: @azimjon_melikuziev

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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➕ nice va fine:

nice - sifat, ajoyib
➖ pleasant and enjoyable. Nice is very common in spoken English. In written English, it is better to use other words

➖ I hope you have a nice vacation.
➖ Umid qilamanki, siz ajoyib tatil o'tkazasiz.

fine - sifat, ajoyib
➖ used for describing things of a very high quality, or weather with no rain and clear skies

➖ The restaurant serves the finest food in Florence.
➖ Restoran Florensiyadagi eng ajoyib taomlar bilan hizmat ko'rsatadi.


British English & American English

Film - movie (film, kino)

Flat - apartment (kvartira)

Lift - elevator (lift)

Petrol - gas (yoqilgʻi)

Tap - faucet (jo'mrak)

Toilet - restroom (hojatxona)

What means "begin"
  •   finish
  •   start
  •   continue
318 ta ovoz

✅For God’s sake, stop it – Xudo haqi, bo’ldi qil!

✅Forget it – buni unut

✅Frankly speaking – ochig’ini aytganda

✅Go to hell – yo’qol!

✅Great! – zo’r!

And – also, in addition, another
Not have – free of, not any, no, without
Ban – prohibit, not allow, forbid
Conservation – protection, preservation, safeguarding
Look after – maintain, take care, care for
Attract – encourage, draw, lure
Type – range, kind, sort, category

Orzu va maqsadlarga oid qiziqarli iboralarni o’rgansak:

1. “Chasing a dream” – Biror orzuga erishish uchun intilish.
Example: “She’s been chasing her dream of becoming a doctor for years.”

2. “Set your sights on something” – Biror maqsadga ko’z tikmoq, erishmoqni maqsad qilmoq.
Example: “He’s set his sights on winning the championship.”

3. “Reach for the stars” – Juda katta orzular qilish, yuqori maqsadlarga intilish.
Example: “Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars; you can achieve great things.”

4. “Follow your passion” – O’zingizning haqiqiy qiziqishingiz ortidan borish.
Example: “If you follow your passion, success will follow.”

5. “Pursue your goals” – O’z maqsadlaringiz ortidan borish, ular ustida ishlash.
Example: “No matter how hard it gets, always pursue your goals.”

PIN — Personal Identification Number

SMS — Short Message Service

WiFi — Wireless Fidelity

PDF — Portable Document Format

SMM — Social Media Marketing

IT — Information Technologies

🔺Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta
🔺Sure - Turgan gap
🔺That’s right - To’g’ri
🔺Right you are - Siz haqsiz
🔺O.K. - Yaxshi, Durust

Ҳозирги кунда кўп ишлатиладиган хорижий сўзларнинг ўзбекча таржимаси

Лайфхак — маслаҳат;
Подкаст — машварад;
Мотивация — туртки;
Инсайт — янгилик;
Калибр — кўлам;
Практикум — амалиёт;
Нюанс — низом;
Стрим — учрашув;
Лайв — жонли;
Фактор — омил;
Импульс — боғлам.
Стренч  - ғалати

Бугунги куннинг тренди ( модаси) ҳорижий сўзлар орқали тилни замонавийроқ қилиш.

🔶Cross out – ustidan chizmoq (xatoni)

🔸 Look up – so’z qidirmoq

🔶Point out – eslatib o’tmoq

🔸 Read out – baland ovozda o’qimoq

🔶 Rip up – bo’lakka bo’lmoq

🔸 Rub out – o’chirmoq (o’chirgich bn)

🔶 Turn over – keyingi sahifaga o’tmoq

🔸Write down – yozib olmoq

British English & American English

Film - movie (film, kino)

Flat - apartment (kvartira)

Lift - elevator (lift)

Petrol - gas (yoqilgʻi)

Tap - faucet (jo'mrak)

Toilet - restroom (hojatxona)

🔸 🚑 Ambulance - Tez yordam
🔸🚲 Bicycle - Veloseped
🔸🚌 Bus - Avtobus
🔸 🚗 Car - Mashina
🔸🚛 Lorry - Katta yuk mashinasi
🔸 🚒 Fire engine - O't o'chirish mashinasi
🔸 🚙 Jeep - Jip
🔸 🏍 Motorcycle - Mototsikl
🔸 🚓 Police car - Politsiya mashinasi
🔸 🚤 Scooter - Skuter

"Uyqim kelyapti" iborasining alternativ variantlari

"I'm out like a light."
"I'm ready to catch some Z's."
"I'm feeling like I could sleep for a week."
"I'm hitting the sack."
"I'm off to dreamland."
"I'm about to crash."
"I'm going to hit the pillow."
"I'm ready to turn in."
"I'm going to call it a night."
"I'm feeling like I could sleep like a log."

😭 Death - oʻlim

😔Pass away - vafot etmoq

😔Die - o'lmoq

😒Coffin -  tobut

😞Funeral - dafn marosimi

😔Burial - koʻmish marosimi

😭Cry out - baqirib yigʻlamoq

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.