Baxtiyor Mardonov | RASMIY KANAL dan repost
Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti Kengashining navbatdagi yigʻilishi boʻlib oʻtdi. Kengash a'zolari ishtirok etgan mazkur yigʻilishni universitet rektori B.Mardonov olib bordi. Yigʻilishda 2024-yilda universitetda ma’naviy-ma’rifiy, o‘quv, ilmiy va xalqaro sohalarda amalga oshirilgan ishlar hisoboti tinglandi. Shuningdek, Nukus konchilik instituti faoliyati tahlil qilindi hamda joriy yil uchun muhim vazifalar belgilab olindi.
A regular meeting of the Council of Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies was held with the participation of the Council members under the chairmanship of the university rector Bakhtiyor Mardonov. The meeting focused on the activities carried out in 2024 at the university in the areas of spiritual-enlightenment, education, science and international relations. Furthermore, the activities of Nukus Mining Institute were analyzed and key tasks for the current year were set.
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Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti Kengashining navbatdagi yigʻilishi boʻlib oʻtdi. Kengash a'zolari ishtirok etgan mazkur yigʻilishni universitet rektori B.Mardonov olib bordi. Yigʻilishda 2024-yilda universitetda ma’naviy-ma’rifiy, o‘quv, ilmiy va xalqaro sohalarda amalga oshirilgan ishlar hisoboti tinglandi. Shuningdek, Nukus konchilik instituti faoliyati tahlil qilindi hamda joriy yil uchun muhim vazifalar belgilab olindi.
A regular meeting of the Council of Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies was held with the participation of the Council members under the chairmanship of the university rector Bakhtiyor Mardonov. The meeting focused on the activities carried out in 2024 at the university in the areas of spiritual-enlightenment, education, science and international relations. Furthermore, the activities of Nukus Mining Institute were analyzed and key tasks for the current year were set.
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