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❤️‍🔥 Quyidagi 5 nafar ustozlardan siz qadrdonlar uchun ajoyib yangilik kelmoqda!

➡️ Teacher Muzaffar
➡️ Nozimjon Mamadaliyev
➡️ Mr Muhammadayub
➡️ Mirzoulug'bek Yusupov
➡️ Teacher Mokhida

💬 Siz qaysi ustozlarni taniysiz?

✅ Va loyihada sizni qanday yutuqlar kutyapti deb o'ylaysiz? :)

#SampleEssay Task 2

Topic:✅In many countries imprisonment is the most common solution to crimes. However, some people believe that better education will be a more effective solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🖥Multilevel uchun maxsus ilovani yuklab oling
Apple uchun
Android uchun

Bugun yomgʻirli kunda "Rain"ga oid #vocabulary oʻrganamiz

☔️ Raining heavily (C1) - qattiq yomg’ir yog’moq

☔️ Drizzling (B2) - yengil, mayda yomg’ir yog’moq

☔️ Taking a walk in the rain - yomg’irda yurib sayr qilmoq

☔️ Creating a romantic atmosphere - Romantik muhit yaratish

☔️ Rainy day (B1) - yomg’irli kun

☔️ Raindrop (B1) - yomg’ir tomchisi

☔️ Get soaked (B2) - ivib ketmoq, namlanmoq

☔️ Torrential rain (C2) - juda kuch yomg’ir


Bular Teacher_Muzaffar✅️va jamoadagi teacherlarda oʻqib imtihon topshirgan baʼzi online o’quvchilarimizning
natijalari 🔥

Siz ham shunday natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz hoziroq kurslarimizga qoʻshiling⭐️

😀Online multilevel
kurslarimizga qo’shilish uchun
@muzaffar05111 ga murojaat qiling.

dagi o’quvchilarimizni barcha natijalarini @multilevelresults kanaliga yuklab boramiz

#SampleLetter Multilevel Task 1

❤️You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English-speaking
country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture.
Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter
*⃣introduce yourself
*⃣explain what is wrong with the furniture
*⃣say what action you would like the landlord to take
Dear Ms Linda,
I am a tenant in one of your properties in William Street, Norwood. I am writing
this letter to bring your attention to some of the substandard furniture that you
have provided as part of our rental agreement. I am hoping that you would either
fix them or replace them with new ones.
In relation to the specifics, I live in apartment 17B with my family for the last 4
months. We were excited when we moved into this apartment but disappointed
when we found that a couple of furniture and appliances were old and torn down.
The sofa set in the living room has the worst condition. The colour of the cushion
has faded out and they are not usable. The coffee table has a broken leg. Besides,
the refrigerator in the kitchen does not maintain the desired temperature
accurately and the grocery cupboard door locks are missing. Overall, some of the
furniture and stuff you have provided are in faulty conditions.
I request you to look into this matter urgently. I recommend you kindly arrange for
the repair and maintenance of the living room furniture and replace the fridge. New
keys for the cupboard can be prepared by a locksmith. I expect your action on this
as soon as possible, as these problems are affecting our living and well-being
Yours Sincerely,
Ramesh Roy

🖥Multilevel uchun maxsus ilovani yuklab oling
Apple uchun
Android uchun

A shock to the system.pdf
📋 A shock to the system

#The_English_We_Speak #BBC

🎧 A shock to the system

Happy 🔠🔡🔡🔡🔡🔡🔡

Xayrli kech, qadrdonlar..!

⚡️ Sizlar uchun bitta ajoyib loyiha tayyorlayapmiz. Hamma uchun foydali boʻladigan!

🎁 Loyihamizda yutuqlar ham qo'ymoqchimiz. Sizningcha, qanday sovrinlar qo'ysak bo'ladi, kommentda o'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring..!

😄 Loyiha qiziq bo'lsa, reaksiya bosib keting! Va biz to'liqroq maʼlumot beramiz!

Noyabr- Dekabr oylaridagi imtihon sanalari

➡️Roʻyhatdan oʻtish 9-noyabrgacha
➡️Toʻlov qilish 10-noyabrgacha
✅Imtihon sanasi 23-24 noyabr

➡️Roʻyhatga olish 14-dekabrgacha
➡️Toʻlov qilish 15-dekabrgacha
✅Imtihon sanasi 28-29 dekabr

💰 Narxi: 506.250 so'm

P.s.Yuqoridagi sanalarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun qabul ochiq!


🔥Noyabrda imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun 2 haftalik kursimizga qabul davom etmoqda...

4k 0 36 7 15

Answers ✅

Let's do #Listening practice Part 1

Answers will be posted later ✅

0 dan beginner kursimiz bugun start oladi ☄️

Ingliz tilini 0 dan o’rganmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun bizda ajoyib yangilik

4-Noyabrdan online 0 dan Beginner kursimiz start oladi.

👩‍🏫Instructor: Ms.Muslima(IELTS 7.5/66 C1)
⏳Davomiyligi: 1 oy
⌛Dars vaqti: 22.00-23.30
📅Dars kunlari: Haftada 6kun
🎉Materiallar va darslar o’zingizda saqlanib qoladi, oʻchirib yuborilmaydi!

💰Asl narxi -300.000
Chegirmada 200.000

Bu kurs ingliz tilini 0 dan super intensive tarzda o’rganmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun va 3 oylik planni har kunlik darslar bilan 1 oyda tamomlab elementary kursga qo’shilib, o’qishni davom ettirishingiz mumkin.

Joylar soni chegaralangan❗️

Murojat: @muzaffar05111

#Dailyidiom 🟨

Time Idioms and Phrases with Meanings

Vaqt borasida eng koʻp ishlatilgan idiomalar yod olib gaplaringizda ishlatishga harakat qiling🗓

🖥Multilevel uchun maxsus ilovani yuklab oling
Apple uchun
Android uchun

#SampleEssay Task 2

Topic:✅Some people think young people should go to university to further their education while others think they should be encouraged to work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

🖥Multilevel uchun maxsus ilovani yuklab oling
Apple uchun
Android uchun

#SampleLetter Multilevel Task 1

🏦You have rented a four-bedroom house, which you share with two other students.
However, there are several problems with this house that need fixing. You also find
it expensive and would like to find another student to share the spare bedroom.
Write a letter to the real estate agency. In the letter
explain your situation
describe the problems with the house
say what you would like to happen
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a resident of your District Sign property, writing to notify you that the central
heating system in our house is inadequate and our flat needs some renovation
works. I am hoping that you would arrange to fix these issues urgently and let me
take a new roommate to reduce the cost.
I have been living in one of your houses for the last eight months. I have been
sharing this house with two other students. However, we regret to say that the
central heating system is ineffectual and this needs an immediate fix as the
temperature is below 4 degrees now. Besides, minor dilapidation is visible in some
parts of the house and the damp bathroom needs some professional works. I am
not sure when was the last time the flat got an inspection from the safety bureau
and you should do that promptly. Finally, the house needs a fresh touch of painting.
I would like to inform you that we have a spare bedroom that we would like to rent
out to a student. The rent we share is a bit expensive. I hope you would not mind if we take an extra person to share the rent.
Yours faithfully,
Alfred Roan

🖥Multilevel uchun maxsus ilovani yuklab oling
Apple uchun
Android uchun

Is this the era of distrust.pdf
📋 Is this the era of distrust

#6_Minute_English #BBC

🎧 Is this the era of distrust

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.