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Thank you all for your answers! I hope this has been at least somewhat beneficial for you and others as well.

last one: If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be ?

If life had a "restart" button, would you press it? yes ❤️ no 💔

Always know the truth or always believe in a comforting lie ?

Being respected or loved ?

Unlimited money or unlimited time ?

Time travel to the past or the future ?

Bir kunda nechi marta osmonga qaraysiz?

Oldinda bo'lish muhim emas, Muhimi yo'lda (harakatda) bo'lish!

A Week to Remember! 🌿🏕️

I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Eko Avlod camp for a week, and it was truly an unforgettable experience! During this time, I learned so much—not just about ecology and education, but also about the importance of networking, teamwork, and volunteering.
The seminars and trainings gave us valuable knowledge, while the hands-on activities helped us develop essential skills as volunteers. I met so many amazing people, each with their own inspiring stories and passion for making a difference.
What I loved the most? The breathtaking nature, the majestic mountains, and of course, the exciting quest game! Every moment spent in this camp was filled with learning, adventure, and new friendships.

A huge thank you to the organizers and everyone I met—you all made this experience truly special! 💚


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
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From yesterday

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