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"Writing" hammani doim qiynaydigan savoli bo'lib qolaveradi shekilli๐
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Demak sizga bugun writing'dagi 6.0 ballik va 8.0 ballik gaplar farqini ko'rsataman!Band 6.0 sentence:Nevertheless, becoming a well-known person, such as a popular movie star or a sports personality has benefits and drawbacks.
Band 8.0 version:Nevertheless, becoming a well-known person, such as a popular movie star or a sports personality
has drawbacks as well as benefits.Band 6.0 sentence:This is the main reason why famous people feel unhappy and empty even if they are successful and rich.
Band 8.0 version:Thus, famous people can feel unhappy and empty even if they are successful and rich.
Band 6.0 sentence:To sum up, whilst being famous brings benefits and drawbacks, I strongly believe that the benefits outweigh the problems. It's just a matter of handling fame in a well-balanced way.
Band 8.0 version:To sum up, whilst being famous brings financial benefits,
there are even more significant drawbacks. Only those who manage to handle the problems associated with fame, and stay well-balanced, can truly reap its rewards.๐ฏ Ko'rib turganingizdek ba'zida juda kichik bir detal sizga 8.0 olib kelishi mumkin.
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