✔️ Tibbiy matnlarda eng kõp uchraydigan phrasal verbs:
🔥Break out - tõsatdan nimadirni boshlanishi (a rash, disease, etc.).
⏺Example: She broke out in a rash after eating strawberries.
🔥Come down with something - qaysidir kasallikka chalinmoq, kasal bõlmoq
⏺Example: I think I'm coming down with the flu.
🔥Get over something - qaysidir kasallikni yengib õtmoq yoki kasallikdan tuzalmoq
⏺Example: It took him a week to get over the cold.
🔥Pass out - õzini yõqotmoq, hushidan ketmoq
⏺Example: He passed out due to the heat.
🔥Throw up - qayt qilmoq
⏺Example: I feel sick, I think I’m going to throw up.
🔥Come around - õziga kelmoq, hushiga kelmoq
⏺Example: She fainted but came around quickly.
🔥Cut down on - nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirmoq (e.g., smoking, sugar).
⏺Example: The doctor told me to cut down on sugar.
🔥Fight off - qaysidir kasalikka qarshi kurashmoq
⏺Example: I’m fighting off a cold right now.
🔥Pass away - dunyodan õtmoq, vafot etmoq
⏺Example: His grandfather passed away last night.
🔥Look after - kimgadir ğamxõrlik qilmoq
⏺Example: She is looking after her sick mother.
🔥Break out - tõsatdan nimadirni boshlanishi (a rash, disease, etc.).
⏺Example: She broke out in a rash after eating strawberries.
🔥Come down with something - qaysidir kasallikka chalinmoq, kasal bõlmoq
⏺Example: I think I'm coming down with the flu.
🔥Get over something - qaysidir kasallikni yengib õtmoq yoki kasallikdan tuzalmoq
⏺Example: It took him a week to get over the cold.
🔥Pass out - õzini yõqotmoq, hushidan ketmoq
⏺Example: He passed out due to the heat.
🔥Throw up - qayt qilmoq
⏺Example: I feel sick, I think I’m going to throw up.
🔥Come around - õziga kelmoq, hushiga kelmoq
⏺Example: She fainted but came around quickly.
🔥Cut down on - nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirmoq (e.g., smoking, sugar).
⏺Example: The doctor told me to cut down on sugar.
🔥Fight off - qaysidir kasalikka qarshi kurashmoq
⏺Example: I’m fighting off a cold right now.
🔥Pass away - dunyodan õtmoq, vafot etmoq
⏺Example: His grandfather passed away last night.
🔥Look after - kimgadir ğamxõrlik qilmoq
⏺Example: She is looking after her sick mother.