✅ Bu frazalar yurak va unga tegishli mavzularini tushunish va uni õrganishni yaxshilashga yordam beradi:
🫀Call for -nimanidir talab qilmoq
Example: Calling for emergency services
🫀Lead to - nimadir sabab bõlmoq yoki qandaydir natijaga olib kelmoq
Example: Leading to tissue damage
🫀Put on weight - vazn qõshilmoq
🫀Cut down on - nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirish
Example: cutting down on smoking
🫀Look out for -nimadir haqida hushyor bõlib turmoq
Example: Looking out for symptoms
🫀Take up - yangi mashğulot bilan shuğullanishni boshlamoq
Example: Taking up exercise
🫀Give up - nimadir qilishni tõxtatmoq
Example: Giving up smoking
🫀Get rid of - nimadirni olib tashlamoq, yõqotmoq
Example: Getting rid of unhealthy habits
🫀Call for -nimanidir talab qilmoq
Example: Calling for emergency services
🫀Lead to - nimadir sabab bõlmoq yoki qandaydir natijaga olib kelmoq
Example: Leading to tissue damage
🫀Put on weight - vazn qõshilmoq
🫀Cut down on - nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirish
Example: cutting down on smoking
🫀Look out for -nimadir haqida hushyor bõlib turmoq
Example: Looking out for symptoms
🫀Take up - yangi mashğulot bilan shuğullanishni boshlamoq
Example: Taking up exercise
🫀Give up - nimadir qilishni tõxtatmoq
Example: Giving up smoking
🫀Get rid of - nimadirni olib tashlamoq, yõqotmoq
Example: Getting rid of unhealthy habits