✅ Tibbiy contextlarda eng kõp uchraydigan 7 medical phrase:
🥇Push against (B1) - nimadirga nisbatan qarshi kuch bilan harakat qilib itarmoq (masalan arteriya devorlariga nisbatan)
Example: The force of blood pushing against your artery walls.
🥇Lead to something (B2) - nimadir natijasida bõlmoq yoki qandaydir natijaga olib kelmoq
Example: Can lead to serious complications
🥇Put at risk -nimadirni yoki kimdirni xavf ostiga qõymoq
Example: Puts you at risk for stroke
🥇Go up - nimadirni oshishi yoki kõtarilishi
Example: Your Blood Pressure goes up when you sleep
🥇Make up - nimadirdan tashkil topmoq, paydo bõlmoq
Example: Factors that make up primary hypertension
🥇Come together - qõshilmoq, tõplanmoq
Example: Many factors come together to cause it
🥇Check up (B1) - tekshiruv (Bemor yoki soğlom insonni tekshiruvdan õtishi)
Example: Chekups are crucial
🥇Push against (B1) - nimadirga nisbatan qarshi kuch bilan harakat qilib itarmoq (masalan arteriya devorlariga nisbatan)
Example: The force of blood pushing against your artery walls.
🥇Lead to something (B2) - nimadir natijasida bõlmoq yoki qandaydir natijaga olib kelmoq
Example: Can lead to serious complications
🥇Put at risk -nimadirni yoki kimdirni xavf ostiga qõymoq
Example: Puts you at risk for stroke
🥇Go up - nimadirni oshishi yoki kõtarilishi
Example: Your Blood Pressure goes up when you sleep
🥇Make up - nimadirdan tashkil topmoq, paydo bõlmoq
Example: Factors that make up primary hypertension
🥇Come together - qõshilmoq, tõplanmoq
Example: Many factors come together to cause it
🥇Check up (B1) - tekshiruv (Bemor yoki soğlom insonni tekshiruvdan õtishi)
Example: Chekups are crucial