⚡️ Important phrases 📌
⭐ Find out - bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq
— I found out that she had a boyfriend😭😅
⭐ Check out - tekshirmoq, bir ko’zdan kechirmoq
— Please check out that car!
⭐ Work out - mashq qilmoq
— You should work out to be healthy
⭐ Point out - takidlab o’tmoq
— She pointed out a few problems with the house
⭐ Take out - olib chiqmoq, olib bormoq
— I’m going to take the kids out for a pizza tonight
⭐ Run out - tugab qolmoq
— At that time my money ran out, unfortunately
⭐ Find out - bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq
— I found out that she had a boyfriend😭😅
⭐ Check out - tekshirmoq, bir ko’zdan kechirmoq
— Please check out that car!
⭐ Work out - mashq qilmoq
— You should work out to be healthy
⭐ Point out - takidlab o’tmoq
— She pointed out a few problems with the house
⭐ Take out - olib chiqmoq, olib bormoq
— I’m going to take the kids out for a pizza tonight
⭐ Run out - tugab qolmoq
— At that time my money ran out, unfortunately
❗️ O’zizga yoqqan bittasiga gap tuzib qoldiring