
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

sharing a part of my internal dialogue.
levsha, from tashkent, uzbekistan
born to be a philosopher and a poet, forced to do finance
here i share my love for smetana s lepyoshkoy

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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i woke up exhausted from yesterday's judo training and from severe hunger, feeling pain from hands and legs.

but i woke up to great news. my student and very old friend got into franklin & marshall (f&m) with 326k scholarship.

as someone who knows this person likely better than anyone other than relatives and having seen the years of hard work put in, i can say it is one of the most deserved acceptances i have seen. we are keeping our eye on other unis.

its march so we got all the RD decisions coming out!

шел второй месяц семестра..

first golf class was fun

on the applications to fasih.uz.

we have been checking applications and have already finalized the list of volunteers for the business department.

if you applied for business department and have not heard, it means your application was rejected.

in the last uni application cycle, for various reasons I was not able to write recommendation letters. however, from this time on, every new volunteer who contributes heavily will be guaranteed to get a letter either from me as the senior editor or a department leader. this is only made possible thanks to the rigorous selection criteria that we established where we prioritized potential contribution and commitment for a smaller number of volunteers.

if you applied for business department and were not accepted, you still have a chance to apply to other departments before we finalize all of the applications.

the application link: https://forms.gle/WnTu7VaAd7EhaWSM8

if you take naps or sleep more than 9 hours a day, you risk living less

someone on campus committed a suicide this morning 😭😭😭

1.7k 1 16 39 28

last time i shared it got 30+ saves

What do you think, is there an overhyping tendency in Uzbekistan about college application to the US universities? Little bit of "obsession". Do you think it deserves the attention it's getting these days?

better than being obsessed about ielts

By the way, why you donʼt think about UZSWLU as you said, pls be specific
i just dont think about that uni, what else you want

Играл футбол в футзале? И вообще нравится "мини-футбол"?
yes, i played in a lot of conditions and i like it

Which uzbek would you recommend to study economics/finance?🫠

Are uzbek univers worth studying

yes! i dont regard uzbek unis as ineffective. and i dont consider unis in itself. i look at the specific programs, faculty, outcomes, and more

i think the idea that local unis are inferior to foreign unis is rasist. thats why i dont help people with applying to random schools. if you go, i recommend going to the best ones. if not, uzbek unis are amazing too, if you can avoid the incompetent teachers, which, unfortunately, makes the most of uzbek uni faculties.

Why you disagree with eyuf?
i dont disagree with eyuf. i rather disagree with the whole notion of being restricted. id rather not study than be restricted — geographically, and more importantly intellectually.

Who's the best MUNer?
Who's the best that you've debated against?
Who's most popular MUNer?

i think one that i can recall is dono. she is now studying in edinburgh

What is one important idea you changed your opinion on?

i used to think i was smart, but coming here and seeing how smart people here are, i have resiscovered my dumbness. verbally, i tend to believe im on the upper quartile, but here companies/uni seems to be leaning heavily toward quantitative skills, which i am not appreciating so far

“Какие еще качества вам нравятся в девушках?”
except appearance, likely hobbies. i like when she can sing, play instruments, draw, and do some other art.

What can make you happy?
mostly food. but bcs i am highly extraverted, i tend to get more energy when im around people

What are the best extracurriculars for business administration major
win in hackathons, get an apprenticeship, get an internship at a major consulting/accounting firm like kpmg, pwc

what are the best ECs for neuroscience/bio/pre med majors
doing research paper, analyzing local community issues related to that issue

how much do you spend monthly
i didnt calculate the exact amount, but i noticed im spending so much that i am running out of money — something i rarely do.

is russia good for studying bachelors
id rather do mandarin

dubai unis or malaysia unis
in general for bachelor

i cant generalize. there are unis in dubai better than all unis in malaysia — american uni in dubai, for example

but it doesnt mean synergy is better than the best malay unis. you need to be specific.

favorite singer?
toxir sodiqov. + i loved the voice of all girls i dated. and i also admired girls at our school who could sing well. perhaps voice is something i find attractive in girls.

lets respond to some questions and then i delete tg till tomorrow evening

i deleted instagram already. if i stop watching youtube and limit my tg use to 2 hours, hopefully i'll be able to get more things done

here we go: t.me/anonaskbot?start=jt67MSHwuNKlAfJ

some people genuinely cant be happy for others. and some are as envious as snakes

i entered the comments of bobirjon's post to congratulate, and saw one guy questioning the impressiveness of the achievement. ucl is no doubt one of the leading unis in the world — literally the phone you are using was first invented by a ucl graduate as well as famous movies like opppenheimer, interstellar were directed by a ucl graduate.

to say getting into this selective school is not impressive, you need to have sucked in a lot of failures, often without any sign of success. its good that most people at least keep this to themselves.

still, learn to be happy for others and maybe get closer to them and seek guidance if they achieved what you would like to attain. and if not, simply ignore. no one misses your happiness for their success.

being ready to die for a cause is not nearly as important as being ready to live for a cost

i thought i speak uzbek

ertalabgisi (its 1pm)

espresso, chocolate and orange loaf, the economist, wildly interesting yet terrifying article about radioactive uranium dangers in kyrgyzstan that can damage my home, fergana valley

zaamin marathon prep is going well

i want to update my personal record that i set 3 years ago. i'd been training well, hadn't eaten fast food nor drunk soda for 5 months coming to it

this time, i can't afford not to eat fast food bcs its the only option i got, which means i am only left with burning more calories to compensate

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.