⚡️The purpose of this group is to help people earn free dollars without investment. We earned free money from many projects. Friends who have just joined our group can check this.And since we are a group from Turkey, there are people here who do not understand our language, so you can translate every message we send into your language. Check out the message below, I explained how it is done.
⚠️Go to the settings in the Telegram application, click on the language section, turn on the two checkmarks I show in the photo, choose your language from the 3 options and save. In this way, you can translate all messages sent to our group into your own language.
🔥You can see the dollars we earned without investment and for free by clicking on the links I left below. These are just a few examples.
⚠️Go to the settings in the Telegram application, click on the language section, turn on the two checkmarks I show in the photo, choose your language from the 3 options and save. In this way, you can translate all messages sent to our group into your own language.
🔥You can see the dollars we earned without investment and for free by clicking on the links I left below. These are just a few examples.