#motivation to myself⚡️
My “Idol Woman”
My mother has studied in several specialties and is still studying. She can buy whatever she wants, drives a car, and is a cherished and respected woman. Her family life and business are both in order. If she has any shortcomings, she strives to improve them. She has four children and a righteous partner who supports her and takes care of their needs.
She drives herself to her studies, wears trendy clothes, carries various handbags, and always has money in her hands. She even manages the household perfectly.
Maqtanishmas, boya sumkalaridan daftarlarini chiqarayotganimdan moshinani kalitini ko’rib miyyamga kelgan fikrlarni yozdim, men istagan hayotda allaqachon ular ishtirok etayotganlari, men ham o’zim uchun shu hayotni yaratishim kerakligini tushindim))
My “Idol Woman”
My mother has studied in several specialties and is still studying. She can buy whatever she wants, drives a car, and is a cherished and respected woman. Her family life and business are both in order. If she has any shortcomings, she strives to improve them. She has four children and a righteous partner who supports her and takes care of their needs.
She drives herself to her studies, wears trendy clothes, carries various handbags, and always has money in her hands. She even manages the household perfectly.
Maqtanishmas, boya sumkalaridan daftarlarini chiqarayotganimdan moshinani kalitini ko’rib miyyamga kelgan fikrlarni yozdim, men istagan hayotda allaqachon ular ishtirok etayotganlari, men ham o’zim uchun shu hayotni yaratishim kerakligini tushindim))