Hey,everybody,How are you doing so faar?
We only have 5 days till Ramadan😍and I am also so excited for it. Days are passing like just as they have been for a long time. I am currently focusing on geometry full recap where I am writing the formulas 5 times and solving the each test given in my book. Difficult ?yes , But we have set a challenge with my friend. Speaking of school, I am enjoying it soo much these days🌚We are preparing for 8th march tadbir and making a lot of memories with my classmates) I am also trying to focus on sport,who asked ,huh?😂
Everybody says I post not that much that's why I tried to give just recent life updates,that's it.
Yours, @itsseptembergirl
We only have 5 days till Ramadan😍and I am also so excited for it. Days are passing like just as they have been for a long time. I am currently focusing on geometry full recap where I am writing the formulas 5 times and solving the each test given in my book. Difficult ?yes , But we have set a challenge with my friend. Speaking of school, I am enjoying it soo much these days🌚We are preparing for 8th march tadbir and making a lot of memories with my classmates) I am also trying to focus on sport,who asked ,huh?😂
Everybody says I post not that much that's why I tried to give just recent life updates,that's it.
Yours, @itsseptembergirl