✅contact (adj) - aloqaviy
🔄maintaining, involving, or activated or caused by contact
✅contemporary (adj) - zamonaviy
🔄concurrent, coexisting, present
✅contemporary (n) - zamondosh
🔄coeval, compeer, accompaniment
✅context (n) - kontekst, vaziyat
🔄circumtances, conditions, ambient
✅contextual (adj) - kontekstdan kelib chiqadigan
🔄depending on or relating to the circumtances that form the setting for an event, statement or idea
✅contextualize (v) - kontekstlashtirmoq
🔄consider something together with surrounding words or circumtances
✅contract (n) - shartnoma
🔄agreement, arrangement, commitment
✅contract (v) - toraymoq
🔄shrink, go down, squeeze
✅contractor (n) - kontraktor, pudratchi
🔄one that contracts to perform work or provide supplies
✅contradict (v) - qarshi chiqmoq
🔄deny, refute, rebut
✅contradiction (n) - ziddiyat
🔄conflict, clash, disagreement
✅contradictory (adj) - zid
🔄inconsist, incompatible, opposed
✅contrary (n) - o'xshamaslik
🔄opposite, reverse, converse
✅contrary (adj) - qarshidagi
🔄opposite, conflicting, perverse
✅contrast (n) - farq
🔄difference, dissimilarity, variance
✅contrast (v) - qiyoslamoq
🔄compare, differ, vary
✅contrasting (adj) - farqli, turli
🔄different, conflicting, dissimilar
✅contribute (v) - in'om qilmoq
🔄bestow, donate, chip in
✅contribution (n) - ehson
🔄donation, charity, alms
✅contributor (n) - sahiy, yordamchi
🔄someone or something that contributes something or that contributes to something
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
🔄maintaining, involving, or activated or caused by contact
✅contemporary (adj) - zamonaviy
🔄concurrent, coexisting, present
✅contemporary (n) - zamondosh
🔄coeval, compeer, accompaniment
✅context (n) - kontekst, vaziyat
🔄circumtances, conditions, ambient
✅contextual (adj) - kontekstdan kelib chiqadigan
🔄depending on or relating to the circumtances that form the setting for an event, statement or idea
✅contextualize (v) - kontekstlashtirmoq
🔄consider something together with surrounding words or circumtances
✅contract (n) - shartnoma
🔄agreement, arrangement, commitment
✅contract (v) - toraymoq
🔄shrink, go down, squeeze
✅contractor (n) - kontraktor, pudratchi
🔄one that contracts to perform work or provide supplies
✅contradict (v) - qarshi chiqmoq
🔄deny, refute, rebut
✅contradiction (n) - ziddiyat
🔄conflict, clash, disagreement
✅contradictory (adj) - zid
🔄inconsist, incompatible, opposed
✅contrary (n) - o'xshamaslik
🔄opposite, reverse, converse
✅contrary (adj) - qarshidagi
🔄opposite, conflicting, perverse
✅contrast (n) - farq
🔄difference, dissimilarity, variance
✅contrast (v) - qiyoslamoq
🔄compare, differ, vary
✅contrasting (adj) - farqli, turli
🔄different, conflicting, dissimilar
✅contribute (v) - in'om qilmoq
🔄bestow, donate, chip in
✅contribution (n) - ehson
🔄donation, charity, alms
✅contributor (n) - sahiy, yordamchi
🔄someone or something that contributes something or that contributes to something
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing