Til o'rganish jarayonida eng yaxshi ko'rganim nima bilasizmi?
5 nice and common collocations
1. Make progress (rivojlanmoq, o‘smoq)
I’m working hard to make progress in my English studies.
Our team has made great progress on the project this month.
2. Take responsibility (mas'uliyatni o‘z zimmasiga olmoq)
She took full responsibility for the mistake and apologized.
It’s important to take responsibility for your own actions.
3. Give advice (maslahat bermoq)
My teacher gave me some useful advice about improving my speaking.
Never give advice unless someone asks for it.
4. Do research (tadqiqot o‘tkazmoq)
Before making a decision, I need to do more research.
He’s doing research on renewable energy for his thesis.
5. Have an impact (ta’sir o‘tkazmoq)
This book had a huge impact on my life.
Small actions can have a big impact on the environment.
5 nice and common collocations
1. Make progress (rivojlanmoq, o‘smoq)
I’m working hard to make progress in my English studies.
Our team has made great progress on the project this month.
2. Take responsibility (mas'uliyatni o‘z zimmasiga olmoq)
She took full responsibility for the mistake and apologized.
It’s important to take responsibility for your own actions.
3. Give advice (maslahat bermoq)
My teacher gave me some useful advice about improving my speaking.
Never give advice unless someone asks for it.
4. Do research (tadqiqot o‘tkazmoq)
Before making a decision, I need to do more research.
He’s doing research on renewable energy for his thesis.
5. Have an impact (ta’sir o‘tkazmoq)
This book had a huge impact on my life.
Small actions can have a big impact on the environment.