👋 Innovatsion Akademiya Yevrosiyo jurnallari oilasi OAK ning 15-bazasi bo'lgan Directory of Research Journals Indexingda indekslangan hamda yuqori impakt faktorga ega!
1️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture» UIF: 8.2
2️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» UIF: 8.1
3️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Medical and Natural Sciences» UIF: 8.3
4️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences» UIF: 8.3
5️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Law, Finance and Applied Sciences» UIF: 8.3
6️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Technology and Innovation»
💳Nashr narxi: 300 000 so'm 150 000 so'm (30-yanvarga qadar)
📭 Murojaat uchun: t.me/inacademy_uz
«Innovative Academy» rasmiy sahifalariga obuna bo'ling 👇
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👋 Innovatsion Akademiya Yevrosiyo jurnallari oilasi OAK ning 15-bazasi bo'lgan Directory of Research Journals Indexingda indekslangan hamda yuqori impakt faktorga ega!
1️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture» UIF: 8.2
2️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» UIF: 8.1
3️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Medical and Natural Sciences» UIF: 8.3
4️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences» UIF: 8.3
5️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Law, Finance and Applied Sciences» UIF: 8.3
6️⃣«Eurasian Journal of Technology and Innovation»
💳Nashr narxi: 300 000 so'm 150 000 so'm (30-yanvarga qadar)
📭 Murojaat uchun: t.me/inacademy_uz
«Innovative Academy» rasmiy sahifalariga obuna bo'ling 👇
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