Tarnado team [IELTS]

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Founder of the Tarnado Team
A person who has took more than 5 international certificates

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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[@ielts_mirkoo] REAL EXAM 2025.pdf

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Real Exam Reading Passage 1 - HD formatta yozilgan qotmaydi + 100% o'zbek tiliga tarjima⭐️

🔔 Skills Covered
- True/False/Not Given
- Sentence Completion

➡️ Barcha tekstni tarjima qilib, tushuntirib chiqilgan.
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Assalomu alaykum
Bugun kanlimdagi asosiy postni yozyapman:

Har qanday narsa koʻringanidek oson yoki imkonsiz emas! Bu aniq shuning uchun ruhiyatingiz baland qiling. Lekin har qanday ishni oʻrganishda qiyinchiliklar boʻladi, xato koʻp bor oʻxshamasligi mumkin.
Qisqa aytganda har qanday holatga tayyor boʻling!

Hammaga rahmat!

Men qilmadim



Task1 uchun joyi kelsa qoʻllab tashlanglar

Advance grammar dan repost
Common phrases to see are "the proportion of" or " the percentage of". However, yo can also use other words and fractions. These are some:

⭐️ A large number of people
⭐️ Over a quarter of people
⭐️A small minority
⭐️A significant number of people
⭐️ Less than a fifth

Percentage fraction
⚡️80%= four-fifths
⚡️75% = three - quarters
⚡️ 70% = seven in ten
⚡️65%= two - thirds
⚡️ 60%= three - fifths
⚡️55%= more than half
⚡️50%= half
⚡️ 45%= more than two fifths ⚡️40%= two - fifths
⚡️35%= more than a third
⚡️30%= less than a third
⚡️25%= a quarter
⚡️20%= a fifth
⚡️ 15%= less than a fifth
⚡️10%= one in ten
⚡️5%= one in twenty

💥77%= just over three quarters
💥 77%= approximately three quarters
💥49 %= just under a half
💥49%= nearly a half
💥 32%= almost a third
💥 75% - 85% = a very large proportion
💥65% - 75%= a significant proportion
💥 10%-15% = a minority
💥 5%= a very small number

Kim adabiyotdan zoʻr oʻqisa menga yozib yuboring , pls!
Va yana kimdir vazirlikda tanishi boʻlsa ham 😁


Sirojiddin teacherdan class lesson ✅

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Topic: Task 1 Structures
PDF file: https://t.me/RS_IELTS/24936


Sirojiddin's blog dan repost
Task 1 .pdf
Today's Structures

Writing task1 done ✅

The table provides data on the total number of doctors in Australia in 1986, 1996, and 2006, while the bar charts illustrate the distribution of doctors by gender and place of birth during the same period.

Overall, the total number of doctors increased significantly over the 20-year period. While male doctors consistently outnumbered female doctors, the proportion of women in the medical field saw a steady rise. Additionally, the percentage of doctors born overseas increased over time, reaching parity with those born in Australia by 2006.

In 1986, there were 23,720 doctors in Australia. This number rose considerably to 29,060 in 1996 and peaked at 35,450 by 2006, marking an increase of nearly 50% over the period.

Regarding gender distribution, men accounted for approximately 75% of all doctors in 1986, while women made up only 25%. However, the proportion of female doctors grew steadily to 33% in 1996 and reached 40% in 2006, whereas the percentage of male doctors declined to 67% and 60%, respectively.

In terms of place of birth, 62% of doctors in 1986 were born in Australia, with the remaining 38% coming from overseas. This trend remained similar in 1996, with 59% of doctors being locally born and 41% being foreign-born. However, by 2006, the distribution had become equal, with 50% of doctors being born in Australia and the other 50% originating from other countries.

In conclusion, the total number of doctors in Australia saw a substantial rise, with a growing proportion of female doctors. Meanwhile, the percentage of overseas-born doctors increased steadily, eventually reaching the same level as their Australian-born counterparts by 2006.

Written by El Tarnado


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From my one of the clever bro

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Guys ? Qachon Ielts olmoqchisizlar yoki Multilevel?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.