📊Confusing words
✅ In time vs on time
“In time” - ozgina ertaroq, kech qolmasdan
“On time” - aynan o’sha belgilangan vaqtda, tochna vaqtida
✅ At the end vs in the end
“At the end of something - ning oxirida
“In the end” - oxir oqibat, yakunida
✅ Lose vs loose
“Lose” - yo’qotmoq
“Loose” - keng, katta
✅ Beside vs besides
“Beside” - yonida
“Besides” - bundan tashqari, shu bilan birga
✅ Complex vs complicated
“Complicated” - not easy to understand
“Complex” - not simple
✅ Desert vs dessert
“Desert” - cho’l
“Dessert” - shirinlik
✅ Breath vs Breathe
“Breath” - nafas
“Breathe” - nafas olmoq
✅ In time vs on time
“In time” - ozgina ertaroq, kech qolmasdan
“On time” - aynan o’sha belgilangan vaqtda, tochna vaqtida
✅ At the end vs in the end
“At the end of something - ning oxirida
“In the end” - oxir oqibat, yakunida
✅ Lose vs loose
“Lose” - yo’qotmoq
“Loose” - keng, katta
✅ Beside vs besides
“Beside” - yonida
“Besides” - bundan tashqari, shu bilan birga
✅ Complex vs complicated
“Complicated” - not easy to understand
“Complex” - not simple
✅ Desert vs dessert
“Desert” - cho’l
“Dessert” - shirinlik
✅ Breath vs Breathe
“Breath” - nafas
“Breathe” - nafas olmoq