Foydali link

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

Texnologiyalar olamidagi eng so’nggi yangiliklar, foydali maqolalar va hayotingizni osonlashtiruvchi sun’iy intellektlar haqidagi kanal.

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

📱Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda iPhone 16 liniyasining texnik xususiyatlari paydo bo’ldi. Barcha modellar Apple Intelligence'ni qo’llab-quvvatlaydi va yangi ranglarga ega bo’ladi. Bronza rangli Pro'ni ayniqsa hechkim kutmagandi.

Pro versiyasining batareya sig’imi hardoimgidek juda kichik.

Telegram Android Beta

◾️Version: 10.10.0
◾️Build: 45719
- fix pinned messages, calls
- fix locked saved messages for non-premium blocking premium users, fix crashes
- does not vibrate on scrolling dates on devices with poor vibro-motor


My questions❓☃️ dan repost
Розыгрыш 1 подписки Telegram Premium сроком на 3 oy
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 2 kanal
  • Конец розыгрыша: 26.03.2024 21:55

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
💰 Last week, we issued $330M worth of bonds to ensure Telegram can keep expanding at an accelerated speed.

This bond offering was oversubscribed, and we were delighted to have global funds of the highest caliber with impeccable reputations as participants. The terms of the bonds (when adjusted for the Federal Reserve rate) were the most favorable for Telegram in the history of our company.

I am proud that every time we issue bonds we get better at this process. The increased demand for our bonds shows that global financial institutions value Telegram’s growth in audience and monetization. This will further solidify our position as an independent platform that is able to challenge the “Goliaths” of our industry.


Kimda 1️⃣🔠 mln notcoin bolsa faqat bugun 1️⃣yillik premiumga⭐️ almashtiraman

Notcoin Community dan repost
1 TON = $4.20


TON=50.000 UZS❤️🤑

The TON is the currency of the future❤️

Kecha Ton=3.092$ edi
Bugun Ton=3.5$🕯

Ton 3.5$🤑


Ton narxi sekundiga oshyabdi hozir olib qoyilar

This is the cheapest NFT anyone can buy it (The most expensive NFT and the cheapest NFT are mine on Getgems😁)

If you buy this NFT for 200 Ton, I promise to give you 50% back

This is the most expensive NFT even Pavel Durov can not buy this🤑

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.