
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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qayd etilguchilar shaxsiy; joiz bo‘lganda muallif keltirilgusi

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Nega 14-yanvarda faqat erkaklarlarni tabriklaysiz, qizlar? Nahotki o‘zingizni vatan himoyachisi deb bilmasangiz? Vatanni himoya qila olaman deb o'zingizga ishonmaysizmi yoki yov kelsa, erkaklar bilan bir safda miltiq ko'tarib frontga borishga jur'at topmaysizmi? Uyg'oning. Bugun sizning ham bayramingiz. Zotan, siz ham vatan himoyasi uchun otlangansiz,

deb yozmoqchi bo'lsa kimdir, qarg‘ishlar tagida qolmaydi-ku, axir.


Ba’zan o‘zimni 2016-yil Tramp g‘alabasi sharafidan shampan vinolariga cho‘miltirilgan Kremlga o‘xshataman.


Kimningdir xotini boshqa bilan yurib ketganga oʻxshaydi. It's a question of gender equality everywhere. Even if a woman is a genius, even if her husband is a pig, she has to obey, they are saying.

1. This term itself is used very wrongly here. Called gender equality, but it talks about women's rights. Either no one has looked at this term even on Wikipedia, or they do it on purpose to get more money from the West. Gender equality is the equality of all genders, according to which both male, female, gay, and pig (if s identifies them as pig, o.c.) are equal. But in our country, they chose this term to mean women's rights maybe because it sounds better than feminism.

2. The mistake in using the term is fine, but there is another mistake with comprehension. When talked about women's rights, everyone says that they are trying to achieve the dominance of women in society. It's ridiculous. How one gender can be superior to another in every aspect of society. If you look at the recent and distant past, you will see that even when men were dominant in almost all spheres of society, there were women leaders and women rulers, and this did not mean that the place of men in society was reduced to slavery and that society suffered because of female ruling. During the Arab invasion, Bukhara was ruled by a woman named Tugshada, but men fought in the battle. Or were women in command and were men busy making dolls for their daughters in their houses?

3. In Uzbekistan, women are truly underrated. Law supports them, government support them, western “propaganda” projects support them. However, public narratives do not. Social values do not. I do not want to offence anyone but I feel really sorry for girls who grew up with slavery mindset. Who had to give up their dreams. Who watched her childhood ambitions only on TV shows. Thatʻs why support needed to them.

4. Family is a matter of discussion. No dominant role in it. Those, who say no decision-making role for a woman in a family, should know that there is no decision-making role for a single person in any group. If a man makes mistake, partner has to edit. If a woman makes a mistake, partner has to edit. Then, it flowers. Thatʻs why in Uzbek it is called “umr yoʻldosh.” Instead of exchanging thoughts and discussing, if only one rules, governs, dictates, and decides, I see no difference in it from a stupid dictatorʼs country.

I am not expert, professor, researcher or lecturer, but that seems all I could write on this matter.

I just have finished lecture series about the boys’ crisis and come to a conclusion that we should be as strict as possible when it comes to social values. We cannot let those, who cannot cook “food” for themselves, cook decisions for communities.

Seems, we need a valid guidebook to nurture humanity. We need values that everyone believe and practice beyond the law or state ideologies.


Freedom is for those who can feel both lordship and slavery in the same body at the same time, neither for naive lords crazy about owning nor for sinned slaves addicted to owing.

So-called lords would like to rule, but never question whether they can rule or not. I still remember a guy’s requirement of being a leader when we requested him to join in our team in a quiz [just to meet a quiz requirement about participants’ number]. Meanwhile, so-called slaves prefer to be ruled but never question how big change they can make. They fit as if a blind leads a lame into the destruction of both.

People cannot have equal influence in decision-making. No big deal here: We cannot give equal weight to a thinker’s decision [which comes through years of reading, researching, observing] and a drunk’s one [which could be bought for a few pennies or a bottle of wine].


firdavsey dan repost
Those who follow their instinctive needs with discerning intellect and those who learn what they have to learn with experimental intellect are still in their animality — says Ibn Khaldun, praising for that human beings can be human beings with only their speculative intellect (men's superiority over other living beings). However, human being's speculative intellect cannot grow apart from his experimental and discerning intellects, meaning that a man can theorize in his mind based on what he experience in life. Likely, people blind by birth cannot dream in images as they never see. Instead, they dream with other sensations as they feel them. Example leads to that human beings' speculative intellect evolves through how much they sense.

Then, if the speculative intellect were given by God, it could work without the effects of human beings' animal-like intellects. However, it could not. Instead, it develops with them.

Does it mean, the speculative intellect is a part of evolution, not superiority given by God?

One objective out of some from this episode:

so-called holy book’s story about a Jewish man’s survival in Middle East uncertain thousands of years ago cannot validate that is the Jewish place. And they can take it back. If that’s, then, far Siberia would belong to Uzbek Turks (including Kazakh ane Kyrgyz), Central Asia to Oghuz Turks, and current Turkey to Greeks. Obviously, no point in it but urging to violence and regional mess.

After Putin’s interview with Tucker (fortunately, he pointed Kievan Rus, a state existed a bit more than a thousand year ago), Naftali Bennet’s one with Jordan proves one more time that if a man is obsessed with his ruling power, they don’t hesitate to talk any type of nonsense to validate themselves.

Seems that I can be a more professional in conspiracy-making than Naftali.


Interesting quote:

The more educated and successful men are, the more they support women’s rights as they want to see successful partners with them — the more uneducated and unsuccessful men are, the more they tend to be against women-support as they are afraid of losing social status and of being considered as weak partners.

That’s what causing many young men’s too conservatism on social values to keep dominant narrative and many young women’s too liberalism to become free of any service-machine responsibilities... Equality is a loss for those who were unfairly ahead.

But it does not mean that you should blindly support feminism to look more educated and successful.


O‘lgan o‘ldi.
Xilvat etar Xudo.
Himmat etar Xudo.
Ortda qolganiga
hikmat etar Xudo.

O‘lgan o‘ldi,
Poymona to‘lib,
G‘amxona kulib
Otam, degan so‘zni
Tilidan yulib.

Men turaman
kutib karomat
O‘lik yotar,
gap sotadi tumonat.
Xalqdan Xoliqiga
Shunday o‘tib borar


Men uni sevardim, u esa meni.
Menga qush chizishni o‘rgatgandi u.
Unga sovchi kelsa, onamga borib,
Meni kech tuqqansiz, deb o‘rtangandim-ku



Ertalab turishim bilan nimaga miyam ishlamaydi, toshday qotib qolgan, deb o‘ylab tursam, momam “boshing tosh bo‘lsin,” deganlarida qo‘shilib duo qilganlarim yodimga tushib ketdi.


firdavsey dan repost
God's power of being unlimited before and after, is, paradoxically, a sign of his limited power in a level of which he cannot be limited and that's why has to stay unlimited.


Back to summer, 2017 while preparing for school examinations for a creative school named after Abdulla Oripov, I learned this poem by heart because it was one of the longest poems in “Everest va Ummon”. And it was so good to impress my interviewers. I was a bot enough not to understand any parts of it but to recite it with my whole fake admiration.

However, today, early September morning, I encountered with this poem again. And it hits me with both a fresh memory of childhood and a good life lesson of experiences of decades.

Tolibi sodiq topilmas, yoʻqsa kim qo'ydi qadam,
Yoʻlgʻakim, avvalqadam ma’shuqe oʻtru kelmadi.

Navoiy shunday mulohaza qiladi: Yo Xudo, modomiki, seni senga erishguniga qadar talab qilib, senga erishish maqsadiga umri boʻyi sodiq qololgan odam hanuz topilmagan ekan, modomiki, sen ham yoʻlning qarshi tomonida, manzil nuqtasida turib, biz tomon hech biron qadam tashlamagan ekansan, shunda senga erishish uchun menga tutqazilgan bu yoʻldan kim yurib koʻrib, manzilga, senga yeta bildiki, men bu yoʻl senga olib borishiga ishona olsam?


Sen ketasan, men ketaman, so‘ng ketadi Avgust.
Fath etasan, maxf etaman, sulh etadi Avgust.
Nihoyat, kuch topsam oshkori ishqqa,
Sabrimning boshiga yetadi Avgust.
Sevgimga chek qo‘yib, bitadi Avgust.


379 1 3 19 11


When people say, “I want to be with her in heaven,” those who read Navoi say, “Firoq tog‘ida topilsa, tufroqim, ey charx, Xamir etib yana ul tog‘da ko‘hkan qilg‘il.”


It is a noble feeling when you cannot believe how you have transformed your life within a few years behind and slightly whisper “is it me who have done all those?”


firdavsey dan repost
Men sendan ranjidim, yaratgan egam,
Bir inson ruhimni past-baho bilding.
Men sendan ma’nili suhbat so‘rasam,
Bir uyum hur bilan faxsh va’da qilding


337 0 4 20 13

A man cannot achieve all his wishes in all aspects of his life — from marriage to career, as the achievement does not depend on only ourselves. He could get a brilliant job offer, but could fail in friendship.

We live by connecting. Then, at some points of those countless human connections, something undesirable happens and its affect reaches us in some positive or negative manner. [Actually, the undesirable to us may be the desirable to someone else]. Events happening around us come up with  the impacts of millions of dots which are related or unrelated to us. As if some achievements in life are all out of sudden and as if some failures tends to happen again despite the effort of years. The process is natural. All we do is to accept it naturally. As we are not the running engine of the world, everything is not up to us. Naturally, we don't need to pretend to achieve all our wishes in all aspects of our lives because we are not the one who is responsible for all. Neither our achievement nor failure is by us. They are either results or consequences of social dots of which we are sometimes unaware.


I'm really sorry for those youth obsessed with a winner-loser theory: when needed an honest discussion, they want a rivaling debate. When time to exchange and collaborate to develop, they want to be seen right and manipulate.

They want to be leaders without knowing what to lead. How can one reach this level of stupidness while their actions sign invalid characters more than merely egoism.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.