Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

IELTS Instructor and General English Teacher at Everest Amir Temur!
-Personal score - 8
-UzSWLU graduate
-Helped 10+ students get 5.5, 6, 6.5 and 7 in IELTS!

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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got back in touch with
face-to-face interactions
hang out
grab burgers
went on
drifted apart
came across
by chance
virtual connections
catch up
new chapter

Describe an old friend that you got in touch with


pick up
rule of thumb
felt compelled
a bit off
go about day
have a blast
straight away
parking spot
felt relieved
towed away
learn my lesson

Describe an unknown call you answered in a public place


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📌CD IELTS rasmiy imtihonlarini Everestda topshiring!

🤔Oxirgi paytlarda CD IELTS imtihonlari ko'pchilik uchun qiziqish uyg'otmoqda:

Agar kompyuterda ishlash siz uchun qulay bo'lsa imtihon vaqtida o'zingizni ancha erkin his qilasiz;
• Javoblari ham tezroq chiqadi;
Va yana bir yaxshi tomoni uni Everestda ham topshirish mumkin :)

Biz imtihonlarga tayyormiz!

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I kept using apart from that over and over, though

day-to-day basis
stay organized
MFP > multifunction printer
duplex printing
paper jam
wireless printing > wifi mode

Describe a piece of equipment in your home


as long as I can remember
catch up
challenge conventional wisdom
open book
speak my own mind

Describe a person who openly shows his emotions


visibly dissappointed
feel compelled
perfect fit
deliver its promises
educational promises
eroded my trust

Describe a time when you told a truth


set plans for days... ahead
turn sth into reality
immerse myself into
knack and passion
on the face of Earth (a bit informal tho)
at my disposal

Describe a plan you had to change


to be fascinated by
set and ready
stands as a testament to the region's cultutral heritage
hosting festivals
must visit
worth a visit
carefully restored to maintain its original splendor
key hub

Describe a historical building


Prosta alam qilib ketdida borku, bo'lmasa yozmasdim

Bitta off topic bo'lsayam gap aytamanda: ba'zi bir bollar o'qituvchidan faqat mukammalikni qidiradi.Shu biita xato topsa bo'ldi, yuzizga soladi! Nahotki tushunmasa uniyam shaxsiy xayoti, muammosi va xokazolari borligini.

471 0 0 16 59

Describe a line or a few words that you remember from a song or poem

Describe a promise you made to someone


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.