Avtobus - Metroda ishlatiladigan inglizcha iboralar
1️⃣ How do I get to this adress? –Bu manzilga qanday boraman?
2️⃣ How often do the buses run? – Avtobuslar necha minutda keladi?
3️⃣ Does this bus go to adress? – Bu avtobus manzilga boradimi?
4️⃣ I missed my bus. – Avtobusimni o’tkazib yubordim.
5️⃣ Can I take the metro from here? – Bu yerdan metroga chiqishim mumkinmi?
6️⃣ What time does the next metro arrive? – Keyingi metro qachon keladi?
7️⃣ How much is the fare? – Yo'l haqi qancha?
8️⃣ Please stop at the next station. – Iltimos, keyingi bekatda to‘xtating.
9️⃣ Can I pay with a card? – Kartada to‘lashim mumkinmi?
1️⃣0️⃣ Is this the last stop? – Bu oxirgi bekatmi?