Dream Grants | Consulting📍

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🌍 Orzuyingizdagi universitetni tanlang – biz unga yo‘l ochamiz!
📌 AQSh, Xitoy, Malayziya, Koreya, Turkiya
🎯 Grant, hujjatlar, stipendiyalar
✅ Ishonchli natijalar
📞 Bog‘lanish:
📚 SAT: @sat_samarkand
🤝 Hamkor: @roadtousa1
🔹 Batafsil: @faridunshavkatov

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🇰🇷#korea #scholarship

Dream Grants team is ready to help you apply to Korean Universities

⚡️We offer scholarships of up to 100%. A current student in Korea will complete your application.

🔗 Click to get started

@dreamgrants trusted results✅

#scholarship #usa

🎉🥳One more result!

Marjona got an 80% scholarship from Washington College, #95 in Liberal Arts.

We applied with IELTS 6 and no SAT. However, she got strong activities and true service.

🙌If you also want to get acceptance from the US, just click the link below.

🔗 Click to get started

@dreamgrants trusted results✅

⚡️Exclusive SAT & College Admissions Offer!

🤔Do you have an SAT and want to boost your SAT skills & strengthen your college application?


🎯 What You’ll Get:
✅ 30 Real SAT Tests
✅ Exclusive Access to @econify – A New Project
✅ A Strong Extracurricular Opportunity

📌 Consultations You’ll Receive:
🎙Free 1:1 Online Meeting with:
✔️ Murod Aslamov NYUAD '29
✔️ @DreamGrants admin
✔️@DSATuz Admin

🎓 Expert College Admissions Guidance

🔹 Role: SAT Test Explanation & Analysis
💡 Requirement: SAT 1350+

Send your SAT score to @faridunshavkatov to join! 🚀

#scholarship #usa

🎉🥳Congratulations Marjona!

She got a 50% scholarship from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, ranked 601-800 by THE Ranking.

Tbh, we are working with Marjona on every step of the application. This is not only the result yet. We are waiting for other decisions.

🙌If you also want to get acceptance from the US, just click the link below.

🔗 Click to get started

@dreamgrants trusted results✅

Nurli iz | Charity and volunteering

Bizda Nurli iz degan volontyorlik jamoasi bor. Men qatnashmaganimga ancha bo'ldi aslida. Lekin ramazonda aktiv bo'lmoqchimiz.

Samarqand shahrida ehson qilishmoqchi. Ko'ngillilar va ehsonni sevuvchilar kerak bo'ladi.

➡️Kanal linki: @nurli_iz

#scholarship #usa

🎉🥳Congratulation Sayidqosimxo'ja!

He got a 90% scholarship from Baylor University, ranked 601-800 by THE Ranking.

Sayidqosim joined our Admission course in April 2024. It results from his hard work and determination through the application process.

🙌Yes, we do offer application courses, too. I want to open a new one soon. Stay Tuned!

@dreamgrants trusted results✅

#acceptance #usa

🎉🥳Congratulations, Marjona, on her acceptance to the top three universities in Maryland.

📌Towson University will announce scholarships in March.

✅The recommendation letters were so good that even I didn't write mine like this. If you want to apply to the US, the DreamGrants team is ready to help you.

🙌We helped Marjona from scratch to acceptance, so we can do the same for you.

🔗 Click to get more info.

@dreamgrants ishonchli natijalar

SAT with Faridun dan repost
☄️Bepul SAT Mock

Ertaga Yakshanba SAT Samarkandda sizni bepul SAT Mock kutmoqda👇

❗️Mockda qatnashish uchun o'zingizning noutbuk bilan kelish talab qilinadi. Noutbuk bo'lmasa adminga oldindan aytib qo'yishingiz lozim.

O'z joyingizni band qilish uchun @SATsam_support ga yozing.

🛫 Telegram |📷 Instagram

Hiring SAT Mentor

Online free time, 3 times a week
(based on student's schedule)
Experience in SAT teaching (1+ year)
Teaching EBRW in Russian

hourly, paid after each session)

write to: @sat_samsupport

Dream Grants | Consulting📍 dan repost
Pros and Cons of all the options.

Make sure you understand all of the possibilites and nuances before you make any decisions


My English professor said he won a scholarship for the essay with the title "Give up your small ambitions."

How would you write your Scholarship essay?

SAT with Faridun dan repost
⚡️Bepul Masterklass va SAT mock

Agar siz SAT darajangizni bilmoqchi bo'lsagiz, yakshanba kunidagi Mockda ko'rishamiz. Mock mutlaqo tekin.

Chet elga hujjat topshirish bo'yicha bepul Masterklassni ham o'tkazib yubormang. Dars
@dreamgrants admini Faridun Shavkatov tomonidan o'tiladi.

😎Mock start: 09:30
😎Masterklass start: 12:00

📌Manzil: Mahmud Koshgariy, Millenium Education, 37-maktab ro'parasida

@SAT_Samarkand Samarqandagi top SAT markaz

Samarqandda free SAT mock va application masterklass o'tsak qatnashasizmi?

Juda ham xursand bo'ldim. Ertalabdan yaxshi xabar. Zero Avstraliya uchun yordam bermagan bo'lsamda, US bo'yicha kursda o'qigan ekanlar.

Eslaganliklari uchun rahmat

Abdushukur's journey dan repost
Alhamdulilah… Yetqizganinga shukur robbim 🥹🥹

Duolarimiz ijobat bo’ldi😭😭😭

Let’s goo to brisbanee, Australiaa🇦🇺

Qaysi davlat haqida post bo'lsin

O'qish va scholarship imkoniyatlari haqida bilganlarimni ulashaman

Commentda yozib qoldiramiz

SATashkent dan repost
Preparing to study isn’t studying.

Scheduling time to study isn’t studying.

Making a to-do list for studying isn’t studying.

Going to the library isn’t studying.

Sitting at Bon or Costa isn’t studying.

Telling people you’re going to study isn’t studying.

Messaging friends who may or may not be studying isn’t studying.

Writing a motivational post about how you’re going to crush your studies isn’t studying.

Hating on yourself for not studying isn’t studying.

Hating on others for not studying isn’t studying.

Hating on people who’ve already mastered their studies isn’t studying.

Hating on the difficulty of studying isn’t studying.

Fantasizing about how successful you’ll be after studying isn’t studying.

Reading about how to study isn’t studying.

Watching videos of others’ study journeys isn’t studying.

Following Telegram channels isn’t studying.

Reading this post itself isn’t studying.

Studying is studying.

Shu post 50 ta like ❤️ yig’sa bepul to’ldirish uchun template (na’muna) tashlab beraman


🔖Transcripts Tarjima qilishning 3 yo'li

1. Bepul✅
2. Qimmat✅
3. Arzon va qulay✅

1. O'zingiz tekin tarjima qilishingiz

Bunda mavjud na'muna bilan maktabdagi tabelni tarjima qilib ko'chirasiz va maktabizdan imzo qo'ydirib olasiz.

2. Notarious orqali tarjima qilish

Bunda siz shahringizda mavjud notariousga borib tabelingizni rasmiy holatda tarjima qildirasiz. Buning eng yaxshi tomoni qo'shimcha maktabdan pechat kerak emas.

3. DreamGrants orqali tarjima qildirish

Sizning maktab baholarini xatosiz va sifatli tarzda tarzda tarjima qilinadi. Agar o'zingiz tarjima qilganda xato qilmay desangiz @faridunshavkatov ga yozib buyurtma bersangiz bo'ladi.

📌To'liq ma'lumot bu yerda

Join @dreamgrants for more college tips🎓

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
3 ways to get into Harvard if you are not smart


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.