Diary Mokhlaroyim

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

a curious girl, a wanderer 💕
- IELTS 7.5

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

It's the first time I have made an online purchase of cosmetics on Uzum market. All of them are good quality products💅

61 0 1 11 27

This song truly deserved Grammy ! Alas, it didn't get the recognition it deserved:(

Matnazar Abdulhakim. Ilohiy diydor yoki bir g’azal sharhi. | Xurshid Davron kutubxonasi

O‘n sakiz ming olam oshubi agar boshindadur,
Ne ajab chun sarvinozim o‘n sakiz yoshindadur.

Desa bo‘lg‘aykim, yana ham o‘n sakiz yil husni bor,
O‘n sakiz yoshinda buncha fitnakim boshindadur.

O‘n sakiz yil dema, yuz sakson yil o‘lsa uldurur –
Husn shohi, ul balolarkim ko‘z-u qoshindadur.

Hayrat etmon husni naqshidaki, har hayratki bor,
Barchasi ezid taolo sun naqqoshindadur.

Tan anga siym-u, ichinda tosh muzmar ko‘nglidin,
Aqlg‘a yuz hayrat, ul oyning ich-u toshindadur.

May ketur, ey mug‘ki yuz hayrat aro qolmish Masih,
Bul ajablarkim, bu eski dayr xuffoshindadur.

To Navoiy to‘kti ul oy furqatidin bahri ashk,
Har qachon boqsang, quyosh aksi aning yoshindadur.

Alisher Navoiy

Loved its colour

Bilib qoʻygan yaxshi-da.


Bir yaqinimning kanalida koʻrib qolib, sinab koʻrdim🙂

I'm moved by this.

Ilhom's blog | IELTS 8.0 dan repost
Why We Sleep Unlocking The Power Of Sleep And Dreams.pdf
Let me start the resumption with this.

This is N1 scientific book for me as I have always wondered why we need sleep. Plus, if you want to know about mysterious dreams, give this book a read.


This book is truly life-changing. It's packed with compelling, eye-opening information, and the science behind it is incredibly rich. What’s even better is that the language is clear and accessible. It’s not complex at all! It's like the writer is telling you a story about sleep , but with all scientific facts to support it. There were so many surprising facts that I had no idea about. Even though I haven’t finished the book yet, I’ve already come to realize that sleep is far more than just lying in bed and closing your eyes. It’s a real enigma, full of mysteries that play a huge role in our health and well-being. I don't think that I can write a review about the impact of this book on me because it's hard to find the right words to fully express just how transformative it is. Without any hesitation , I can say that this book is one of those books that left me in awe. It's just amazing !!!

Rating: 5/5

Taksida baland ovozda reels koʻrib, boshqa yoʻlovchilarni bezovta qilish uchun qanchalik farosatsiz boʻlish kerak? Bu ,menimcha , farosatsizlikning eng oliy koʻrinishlaridan biri.

It's my brand-new channel where lots of thought-provoking, meaningful quotes are shared daily. If you are interested, feel free to join.

Aynan !

ULUL ALBAB - The People of Intellect dan repost
Ilmni "estetik" narsa deb tushunmaylik.

Chiroyli yozuv, chiroyli daftar, chiroyli parta, chiroyli rasm - umuman dars qilishga "chiroyli muhit" degan narsa qadriyatlarimizni buzyapti.

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda bizga ko'rsatiladigan qulaygarchilik bo'lmasa, dars qilolmaydigan bo'lib qolyapmiz.

Ilmning mashaqqati qayerda qoldi?
Xunuk yozuvda bo'lsa ham qaydlar, to'lib ketgan daftarlar, hoshiyasiga ham o'tib ketgan yozuvlar, beli bukilib dars qilishlar, sharoiti bo'lmasa ham imkon qidirish, kitoblar varaqlash qayerda qoldi? Peshona teri qayerda qoldi?

Ilmni mashaqqatsiz qilib ko'rsatishning oqibatlari:
- unga yuzaki munosabat;
- "xo'ja-ko'rsin"ga o'qish/o'rganish;
- matonat va sabrning yo'qolishi;
- va ilmning qadrsizlanishiga olib boradi.
Biroz qiyinchilikka yuz tutsa, ortga tisariladigan bo'lib qoladi o'rganuvchi. Shunday bo'lyapti ham.


Guys, I'm not Mohina, Mohinur or Mohira 🤦‍♀ I'm MOHLAROYIM!!!

202 0 0 10 18

I have a habit of jotting down meaningful lines from books that resonate with me. My current read is A Thousand Splendid suns and it's filled with these kinda beautiful quotes.Whenever I come across words that strike a chord , I save them in my Notes app. I think it's a perfect place for storing them.

Truly a modern classic !

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.