Junior Flutter dasturchi kerak!
— Kompaniya: Evolux
— Kompaniya haqida: Hakatonga qatnashish uchun yig'ilayotgan jamoa.
— Hudud: Masofaviy
— Maosh: Mukofot pulidan ulush beriladi
— Talablar: Flutter And Dart Skills (Bloc, Cubit, Provider, Hive, Sqlite, Mvvm Architecture, Restful Api, Graphql, Google Map, Yandex Map) Web Socket
restfull Api(Dio, Https, Chopper, Retrofit, Freezed)
push Notifications (Ios And Android)
Deeplinking (Universal Link And App Link)
— Murojaat uchun: @MirkomilovBurxoniddin
📝 Больше вакансии на канале: @dartuz_jobs
— Kompaniya: Evolux
— Kompaniya haqida: Hakatonga qatnashish uchun yig'ilayotgan jamoa.
— Hudud: Masofaviy
— Maosh: Mukofot pulidan ulush beriladi
— Talablar: Flutter And Dart Skills (Bloc, Cubit, Provider, Hive, Sqlite, Mvvm Architecture, Restful Api, Graphql, Google Map, Yandex Map) Web Socket
restfull Api(Dio, Https, Chopper, Retrofit, Freezed)
push Notifications (Ios And Android)
Deeplinking (Universal Link And App Link)
— Murojaat uchun: @MirkomilovBurxoniddin
📝 Больше вакансии на канале: @dartuz_jobs