8 Mar, 17:06
7 Mar, 21:38
Fasting for 13 hours and being full after 10 minutes is an example of how temporary the pleasure of this world is.
7 Mar, 14:57
Allāhumma sayyiban nāfi'āO Allah, make it a beneficial rain🌧️
4 Mar, 20:49
3 Mar, 21:21
3 Mar, 21:20
1 Mar, 21:42
28 Feb, 22:10
28 Feb, 22:02
22 Feb, 23:10
20 Feb, 22:47
Today i met new people and explored new amazing place)
5 Feb, 20:58
3 Feb, 22:25
29 Jan, 22:49
29 Jan, 19:56
29 Jan, 19:54
25 Jan, 21:15