Postlar filtri

Assalomu alaykum
Candidat name: Muhammedov Vohidjon
Region: Tashkent

Part 1.1
About school
About sport
About do you like sport with someone

Siz nimagadir qattiq intilgan siz lekin failure ga uchraganmisiz. Bu paytda nimalarni his qilasiz va bu insonga nimani o'rgatadu.

1-rasm bir ayol bir erkak bogʻda yuguryapti .
2-rasm odamlar gym da shugʻullanyapti.
Indoor and outdoor activities lar ni foydasi qaysi biri maʼqul shu haqda .


Shaxsiy uy hayvoni bo'lish ni foydali va foydasiz tomonlari


Law with Abbosbek🏛️ dan repost
Bugun kim g'alaba qozonadi?🇪🇸
  •   Barselona🇪🇸
  •   Atletiko Madrid 🇪🇸
13 ta ovoz

Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Candidate name: Osiyo
Exam date: 21.02.2024
City/Region: Namangan

Speaking Part 1.1:
1. school
2.part of the day

Speaking Part 1.2:
Transport plane va train edi

Speaking Part 2:
skill you have recently learned

Speaking Part 3:
animals should have same legal as humans

- Thanks for sharing❤️‍🔥

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Yuqoridagi tushgan Speaking Part 3 - Students should be encouraged to participate in extracurriculars topik uchun sample ✅️

Manba: Meni pullik kitobimdan ✅

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Canfidate name: Muxlisa
Exam date: 21.02.2024
City: Navoi

Speaking Part 1.1:
1.How often do you use the internet
2.Who is your favourite sport player
3.Sizni shahringiz nimaga oʻxshaydi

Speaking Part 1.2:
Bitta rasm odamlar samolyotga chiqyapti
Ikkinchisida poyezdga chiqqan

Speaking Part 2:
Shared your secret

Speaking Part 3:
Students should encourage to join extracurriculr activities.

- Thanks for sharing❤️‍🔥

👑Imtihondan chiqqanlar savollarni @MultiLevelRecord_bot ga yuboring do'stlar

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

⭐Real exam Question - Tell about a time when you felt truly free.

▪️Biroz qiyin ekan, pullik kursimda Speaking Part 2 darsi bilan birga, shu savolga ham Sample ko'rgandik.

- Sizlarga ham ulashdim, Speaking topshirayotganlar mazza qilsin)

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
🔴Bugun Navoiyda obunachimiz Shahrizodaga tushgan savollarga C1 darajadagi sample javoblar.

Part 1 - Healthy eating vs Fast food
Part 2 - Advice
Part 3 - Zoos should be banned

Part 2 yo'q edikan tezda tayyorlab tashladik. Osh bo'lsin :)

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💣Speaking Part 2 - Bombastic Lesson

Real Exam Question

- Describe the time when you shared a secret with another person.

- Why did you think this person was reliable enough to tell your secret?

- Can people who trust others too much get hurt?


Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️16.02.2025 | 1-smena

Listening Part 6 - The impact of technology on Uzbek language.

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️16.02.2025 | 1-smena

Listening Part 1

1. Did you enjoy the concert?
   - Yes, it was amazing. 

2. What do you think of when we should go? 
   - How about the cafe?

3. Will you come to my birthday? 
   - I need to... check my schedule. 

4. Can you fix it? 
   - I am not very good at it. 

5. What do you think about the new teacher? 
   - She seems very nice. 

6. Would you like to join us for dinner? 
   - I'd love to, thank you. 

7. Can you tell me the way to the nearest house? 
   - It's just down the road on the left. 

8. Have you seen my classes anywhere? 
   - They might find on the table.

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️16.02.2025 | 1-smena

Listening Part 2


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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Reading Part 1 teksti va javoblari avvalgisidan ozgina o'zgartirilibdi.

1. Zoo
2. Lions
3. Enclosure
4. Monkeys
5. Watching
6. Day/Time

Mana bular to'g'ri javoblar deyishmoqda

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️16.02.2025 | 1-smena

Writing Task 1

You are interested in attending a course Write a letter to your course administrator.

- Provide details about the course you are interested in.
-Explain why you want to attend this course.
-Ask for more information about the course (e.g., schedule, fees, requirements).

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️16.02.2025 | 1-smena

Writing Task 2

Nowadays many young people prefer to starting own business instead of working for company.

Why is this happening?
Is this positive or negative development?

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
— Listening Part 2 qaytarilishi mumkin 2-smenada. Yaxshilab ko'rib qo'yaveringlar.

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena

Listening Part 2 REMAKE:

Take place in where: (1)________Park

Lasts: (2)______ days

The cost of ticket for under 12-year-old children: (3)________

Bring: chair or (4)_____

Starts every day: (5)_______a.m

For information:www.(6)

1. Green
2. 3 / three
3. free
4. blanket
5. 10
6. Festy

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


30. anyone
31. false
32. exposure
33. protests
34. balanced
35. accounts

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


Extract 1

1. What do they disagree about?
- Music concert
2. What's the woman doing?
- Complaining

Extract 2

3. The man doesn't......
- know Marthe well
4. The woman is stopping him from....
- Taking smth

Extract 3

5. What is the relationship between speakers?
- a married couple
6. How does the woman feel about him?
- sympathetic about hid problems

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


S1 - She is my best friend
S2 - Some people don't like my friend
S3 - I don't see her very often
S4 - We are not friends anymore

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Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


1. Green
2. 3 / three
3. free
4. blanket
5. 10
6. Festy

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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.