Postlar filtri


It's not a loyalty test or something. If you don't like the channel, leave. If you like the channel, leave and subscribe to @ficabro . That's it.

Leave the channel. If you want to stay, you can go to @ficabro .

Yozmagan ekanman.
To'g'ri emas.

11 kishidan 9 kishi tushunmagan o'sha payt. Qoyil

Qilgan eng ahmoqona ishlarimdan biri

Here is the new one.


PS ni o'quvchilarini ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablarga hujjat topshirishga haqqi bormi?

Gap qaytarma degan narsa hech qanaqa narsaga yechim bo'lolmaydi.

Recognize the song. (Without shazam/internet)

Zuck Twitterdan rasmni save qilish funksiyasiniyam copy qilmabdida, essiz...

Talablarga binoan)

2chi betida nechta savol bor edi?

Hogwarts school dan repost
Result 1-stage .pdf
💥HERE is your results.

📎Overall 1522 students applied to this program

📎189 students which is colored by green passed from 1st stage

Almost every thin person when they were young:

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


Kanal statistikasi