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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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#keng_tasavvur_zarur_boladi 😉

Student 1:
"dismiss someone" tarjimada "ishdan haydash" degani ekan. Haaaa, demak "fire" ga sinonim qilib ishlatsam bo'lar ekan. Idiomasi ham bor ediya shuni! Ha esladim, "give sb a sack".



Student 2: "dismiss someone" tarjimada "ishdan haydash" degani ekan. Ustoz so'raydilar buni albatta. Eslab qolishim kerak.
*ichida takrorlayapti "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash, "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash, "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash, "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash, "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash, "Dismiss" - ishdan haydash


😭Teacher: Student 2, sizning Pre-IELTS testingiz muvaffaqiyatsiz chiqdi. Yana qayta o'qiysiz!

❗️SABR bilan o'qing! Bu ikki xil usulda tayyorlanadigan o'quvchilarning uslubi.


I am back at work.
Go with likes and comments pls 😊

Relative Clause - Band 6 to 8 uses

Defining RC
which + S + V
Chocolate is something which many people feel guilty about eating.
I read all the books which you recommended to me.
which + V
We need more health professionals who have studied abroad.
Some patients went to private clinics which has recently employed workers based on merit.
Some patients went to private clinics which have been successfully functioning for the past decade.

Chocolate is good for lactose-intolerant people. NOT people who are lactose-intolerant.
People want to buy luxury cars NOT cars which are luxury.

Which | That | Who + be V3
The UN provided shelter for children who were lost | lost their homes in Gaza.
The UN has readied shelter for children who will have been brought from Gaza warzone by 2025.

Adding information
Patients who suffer (= suffering) from terminal forms of cancer want scientists to cure cancer sooner.

Relative clauses with complex sentences
✖️Some people feel ill, but never think of visiting a doctor. They are afraid of being overcharged.
✔️Some people never thinking of visiting a doctor despite their illness are afraid of being overcharged.
✖️Healthy diet is essential because it prolongs one’s life span. Also, it can keep one in shape.
✔️Healthy diet - essential because it prolongs one’s life - can keep one in shape.

STRUCTURE 1 - More S + V than V, x% to y%.
✖️25% of boys play football and 15% attend basketball.
✔️More boys play football than attend basketball, 25% to 13%.

STRUCTURE 2 - X% of S + V, versus X% of S + who + V
✖️75% of commuters prefer cars, and only 5% choose to commute by public transport.
✔️75% of commuters prefer cars, versus a mere 5% who choose to commute by public transport.


ChatGPT going 🤪

This news piece from ABC News contains several useful 7+ Task 1 structures.

I will elaborate on them below

11. (the) playground
12. feedback
13. update
14. extra space
15. C
16. G
17. I
18. E
19. B
20. D


This may be the most difficult Part 2 Listening you have ever tried!

Leave your answers below, and after 50 🤓s, I will post answer keys



VERB bitirmoq - graduate
NOUN bitiruvchi - graduate

Honeymoon - Bitterlife < Bittermoon - Honeylife

Follow this link for some Reading Practice tests.

⚠️Though uploaded in the official website, to my mind, these materials do not reflect what an actual reading test is like

Hayotda ma'no yo'q deganlar uchun Cambridge Dictionary dan alohida javob.

Apparently, they did offer meaning for life 😉

An error/typo, etc. that any candidate should avoid 😂

SUV car sales saw a significant ....... in the last year given.
  •   dropping
  •   drop
285 ta ovoz


Faqat struktura yodlashga vaqt sarflagan o'quvchining taqdiri 👇

There is a significant increase in commercial, business and holiday flights around the world.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

STUDENT 🤔 "savolni paraphrase qilvorishim kerak"

In today's world has seen huge grow in flights for types of purposes all over the world......... 🤮

Paraphrase qilish kerakligini o'ylamasdan, shunchaki javob berishga harakat qiladigan o'quvchi....

The fact that there is a substantial growth in the number of variety of flights is both alarming and encouraging: alarming in a way that it ....., while encouraging because it .... 🤓

✔️Bu yana bir bor asosiy vaqtni struktura emas, balkim yuqorida sanalgan 95% ga kiruvchi jabhalarga sarflash kerakligini isboti.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.